Accessed 11 June 1999

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Kosovo Crisis Update 10 June 1999  

  • UNHCR welcomes military arrangements implementing last week’s peace agreement, but cautions refugees against rushing back into Kosovo before an international security force declares it is safe for them to return.
  • Assistant High Commissioner to join senior UNHCR and other U.N. officials in Skopje planning deployment of personnel and arranging the first U.N. humanitarian aid convoys to Kosovo.
  • For the first time since the peace agreement was announced, no arrivals are reported in Albania in the past 24 hours; just 150 refugees enter the FYR of Macedonia with accounts of Serbian paramilitary troops engaged in an apparent last spasm of violence.
  • A total of 941 refugees leave the FYR of Macedonia under the humanitarian evacuation program of UNHCR and the International Organization for Migration, bringing overall count to 81,705.
  • The number of refugees and displaced people in the region stands at 780,700, including 21,700 in Bosnia-Herzegovina, 69,700 in Montenegro, 245,100 in the FYR of Macedonia, and 444,200 in Albania.


UNHCR has assembled a team that will go into Kosovo as soon as it gets the signal from the international security force expected to deploy inside the Serbian province shortly. UNHCR will dispatch its first relief convoy as soon as security clearance is given.

Assistant High Commissioner Soren Jessen-Petersen is joining senior UNHCR officials and representatives of other agencies in Skopje this weekend to discuss final preparations for the return of more than 780,000 refugees and displaced people to their homes in Kosovo.

UNHCR Special Envoy Dennis McNamara, on his way to Tirana, Albania, made a statement welcoming the military agreement reached Wednesday night between NATO and Yugoslav generals implementing the peace accord last week.

"We have been waiting for it. We are now in the process of stepping up a program for people going back to their homes in Kosovo once security is assured. We are putting in place arrangements for the first convoy to go in as soon as we get the green light from the international security force that will go into Kosovo very soon," McNamara said.

"This is all great news for all of us, but we urge the refugees and the displaced to be patient. We need a secure environment before we start moving people back. As soon as this is possible we will move them back."

"We – all the U.N. agencies – will go with them. We will take them back to their homes when it is safe and help them rebuild. But we urge the refugees not to rush ahead of us. Our message to them is wait until it is safe. We are working with the security force and we will do it together," McNamara said.


No arrivals were reported at the Morini crossing on Wednesday. It was the first time that no refugees crossed the border since the announcement of the peace agreement last week and the fourth time that zero arrivals were recorded since the massive influx of refugees into Kosovo started in late March.

In the past several weeks, many of the arrivals were men released from the Smrekovnica prison near Kosovska Mitrovica in northern Kosovo. Around 3,000 detainees have been released from the prison since last month and have arrived in norhern Albania.

The number of refugees moving out of the northern Albanian town of Kukes has also dropped sharply. On Wednesday, UNHCR and Albanian government trucks transported 364 refugees to camps in Shkodra and Durres. Today, 125 people are to be moved out of Kukes in NATO trucks. Most of these refugees are joining family members who had left Kukes earlier. An average of 2,000 people have been moving out daily from Kukes in the relocation movement, which was initially prompted by security concerns along the border.

There was little sign of military activity across the border, where intense fighting was reported last week between Serbian troops and the Kosovo Liberation Army.


Just 150 Kosovars entered the FYR of Macedonia on Wednesday, saying that Serbian paramilitary forces had gone on a rampage on hearing of the peace accord.

All the arrivals from Gnjilane, Pristina, Vucitrn and Kosovska Kamenica came through the official crossings – 90 in Tabanovce, 56 in Jazince and 4 in the main immigration control point at Blace. They said Serbian authorities were not allowing people without documents to leave the country.

The people who came from Gnjilane said the Serbian paramilitary groups looted and shelled houses there after hearing news broadcasts of the peace agreement.

Some refugees say they heard Serbian military officers were selling their property in Kosovo, but others say that in the Vitina area Serbians were posting ownership notices on empty houses and land.

Meanwhile, teams from the NGO International Medical Corps have been vaccinating children at the Stenkovec II camp over the past three days. UNICEF also has started a psycho-social counseling program at the camp.


Montenegrin officials have agreed to allow aid agencies to use Montenegro as a logistical base to provide relief supplies to Kosovo once humanitarian operations get under way in the Serbian province.

The officials say the port of Bar provides excellent services for receiving, storing and moving onward relief goods either by train or truck to Kosovo. They also offer to allow passage for refugees in Albania to Kosovo, proposing Rozaje and Tuzi as stopover sites for transiting returnees.


Departures under the UNHCR-IOM humanitarian evacuation program totaled 941 on Wednesday, bringing the overall count to 81,705. Destinations were France, Germany, Portugal, Slovenia, Sweden and the United Kingdom.

UNHCR has received offers for 137,000 places in 40 countries for the program.


Information as at 10 June 1999, 08:00 GMT

The figures in Table 1 are estimates, rounded to the nearest hundred. Total recent displacement includes figures in Tables 1 and 2. See also the figures for asylum applications by citizens of FRY, mostly Kosovars, in Table 3.

Table 1: Daily Population Estimates (figures refer to displacement since March 1998)
Refugees/Displaced in: Remarks


Federal Republic of Yugoslavia 
(Republic of Montenegro)
No information on new arrivals or departures


Federal Republic of Yugoslavia 
(Republic of Serbia)
No figures for displacement within Kosovo available
Yugoslav government report of 60,000 in Serbia unconfirmed


Former Yugoslav Republic of  Macedonia  
Camp population: 106,500 (source: UNHCR Skopje); arrivals 9 June: 150; departures by air 9 June: 941 (see Table 2 below); overland departures to Albania 9 June: none (cumulative total to date: 951)
Estimated number of refugees living in host families and elsewhere: 138,600 (sources: Macedonian Red Cross and government)


Arrivals from Kosovo 9 June: none
Arrivals from Macedonia 9 June: none


Total comprises Kosovar refugees only
Also resulting from the Kosovo conflict: 22,000 from Sandzak, 30,900 Serb, Croatians and Montenegrins from FRY (source: government)




Table 2: UNHCR/IOM Humanitarian Evacuation Program of Kosovar refugees 
from the FYR of Macedonia 5 April through 9 June 1999
(figures subject to daily verification)

Receiving Country


9 June


Australia (added: delayed June 8 flight: 446) 2,932
Austria 5,080
Belgium 1,223
Canada 5,174
Croatia 284
Czech Republic 824
Denmark 2,507
Finland 958
France 213 5,388
Germany 121 14,134
Iceland 70
Ireland 749
Israel 206
Italy 5,829
Malta 105
Netherlands 4,067
Norway 6,070
Poland 1,049
Portugal 159 1,271
Romania 41
Slovakia 90
Slovenia 127 745
Spain 1,240
Sweden 156 3,245
Switzerland 1,350
Turkey 7,793
United Kingdom 165 3,284
United States (added: delayed June 8 flight: 339) 5,997
TOTAL 941 81,705

This document is intended for public information purposes only. It is not an official UN document.

Document compiled by Dr S D Stein
Last update 11/06/99
©S D Stein
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