Accessed 16 April 1999

Campaign of arrests and raids in Presheva and its surrounding areas

Preshevė, April 16th (Kosovapress) Since 5°° o`clock on the yesterday
morning, Presheva and its environs are under unseen pressure till today,
we can say that they are under full military-police enclosure. According to
witness, the raids begun at the quarter called "Terlla", which lies about
three kilometres in the north of Presheva.Raid continued in the village of
Rahovicė, where evry house is being raid and looted. Even the city of
Presheva is raid, pedestrians are being maltreated and arrested without
any reason. All this campaign is happening because of the NATO airstrikes
over the serbian military bases in these regions. We can mention that,
NATO had undertaken actions over serbian bases in the village of Leran, 7
kilometres east of Presheva and in the western part over the hills of
Presheva. A big concentration of the military means is placed in the
Church of the village of Rahovicė. Ther big concentrations of military
forces in the village of Cakanoc. It is suspected that many passages and
other strategic positions are mined. The population of Presheva and
villages around cross-border are afraid of any possible massacre from
serbian terrorists, so now they have started to leave their house and to
move in Macedonia. The number of 5000 people in near the cross-border
with Macedonia and there are no reports about their fate.

Document compiled by Dr S D Stein
Last update 18/04/99
©S D Stein
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