350 members of
Aitarak militia staged a show-of-force parade in front of
the governor's office in Dili. Wearing civilian clothes, the
militia members marched in pouring rain carrying imitation
wooden rifles. "We don't want to make trouble but if
pro-independence (groups) attack Dili, go to the warehouse
and pick up your guns," the group's leader Eurico
Guterres told the militia in an address. "If you want
war, we are ready for war. If you want guns, we have
guns" he said. Only about six ancient rifles were seen,
carried by members of the Indonesian military-recruited
auxiliary civilian force, the Kamra.
Many prominent pro-independence figures
in the city have received death threats from the militias.
11 April
Bishop Belo celebrated mass with the
terrified congregation of Liquiça, as a machete-wielding
mob of militia circled the church. Police tried in vain to
force the militia members to leave the area.
In Suai Alipio Maya Moniz who was
abducted on April 5 by Laksaur Merah Putih and TNI
personnel, was released severely wounded.
Australian Foreign Minister Alexander
Downer urged the Indonesian government to take more action
to curb the violence in East Timor following the Liquiça
12 April
In Cailaco, 50 kilometres south-west of
Dili, the district army commander of Bobonaro district
ordered the public execution of five civilians in
revenge for the killings by Falintil guerillas of three
pro-Indonesia militiamen and two Indonesian soldiers. The
civilian bodies were left where they fell for an afternoon,
to serve as a warning to others to toe the pro-integration
line. The commander also ordered the capture and killing of
community leaders thought to be pro-independence, which led
to a hunting down and killing of an unknown number of
civilians over the next few days.
Two UNTIM students in Suai are
kidnapped and later killed by Mahidi. They are Joao Soares
Ximenes and Bernardino Simao.
General Wiranto insisted that only five
people died in Liquiça. Meanwhile soldiers wiped away all
evidence of a massacre there. The bloodied house of the
local priest where people were killed has been cleaned and
the bullet holes repaired. Then there are the vanishing
bodies. Local residents said they saw between three and five
trucks take many bodies away. An investigation by the
National Commission of Human Rights later this week will be
difficult and forensic work next to impossible.
Ermera is very tense after the attack and
fatal shooting by pro-Indonesia militia and TNI of CNRT
members, local councillor Antonio Lima and Julio.
Lima was shot by the army in the market in the village of
Gleno. The military claims he tried to throw a grenade at
soldiers on patrol. Eyewitnesses say he was shot in cold
blood. Most of the young men have fled the area to hide in
the forest. Womenfolk left behind have been terrorized,
intimidated and forced to fly the Indonesian flag in every
house. All military personnel in Ermera are carrying
automatic weapons and a grenade on their belts. There is
information that between 6 and 14 more people have been shot
in Talimoro.
Laksaur Merah Putih and TNI from all the
units in the Suai Covalima district have searched houses and
tortured villagers, including women, in the area.
Manuel Magalhaes, a member of CNRT, and
former Bobonaro Public Works District Head, was arrested
along with seven other men on during a joint action by the
TNI and Halilintar paramilitaries in the Maliana
Sub-district of Bobonaro. During the operation several
houses were destroyed by the security forces, including
those of the eight men taken into custody. All have since
been released except for Manuel. Grave fears are held for
his safety.
One of men, Jose de Andrade, was beaten
unconscious in custody, and needed hospital treatment upon
his release.
Rafael, from Malilait village in Bobonaro
was arrested at the Tunu Bibi-Maliana bus terminal. It is
believed that TNI soldiers from the Bobonaro Military
Command were involved in the arrest. His whereabouts are
Aitarak militia spokesman Mateus de
Carvalho said the hundreds of militia members living at the
previously abandoned Tropicana hotel in Dili are waiting for
money for their wages from the local Government.
14 April
Alvaro Barreto is arrested at Kamanasa,
Suai, by TNI and Laksaur Merah Putih while riding a bus, and
then killed by Mahidi. Jose Fatima is arrested by Laksaur
Merah Putih and feared dead.
Paramilitary members said to a student in
Suai "You had your demonstrations, now we will have
ours. We will kill you." The student said that Mahidi
was forcing young people to join their group. He said that
as a result all the young people of Suai had fled to the
Aurelio Freitas Ribeiro, leader of
students council of Lautem, is now in detention in the
headquarter of the local military. Fears are held for his
Indonesian Armed Forces butchered 7
men in Maliana. The name of the victims are Domingos da Cruz
(21), Armando dos Santos (29), Eurico da Costa (30), Americo
Fernandes (32), Tomas Sanches (42), Alarico Carvalho (19),
and Moises Guterres (17). They were killed because they
were accused of donating some food to Falintil. The
situation of Maliana is now highly tense. The telephone
lines have been cut off by the military and people are not
allowed to visit their families or neighbours.
A confidential Australian embassy
report on the killing of East Timorese civilians in the town
of Liquiça accuses the Indonesian military of colluding
with militia forces in the lead-up to the incident. It also
confirms the military failed to take steps to stop the
killings in the grounds of the Catholic church in Liquiça
on April 6 despite being present in some numbers.
15 April
Members of Halilintar militia start on a
three-day rampage severely injuring five civilians and
destroying houses in the Bobonaro region.
Indonesian troops shot dead five
youths and wounded several others near Ermera. Two of the
dead have been identified as Mateus Tilman, 24, and Eler
Martins, 20.
Novas newspaper was shut down this
week by its owners, the Governor Abilio Soares, and his
private assistant, Expedito Ximenes. Novas's 14
journalists say they were often warned not to run news that
supported the independence camp.
16 April
The younger brother of the Indonesian
appointed ambassador-at-large for East Timor, Francisco da
Lopez, was killed in a Falintil ambush.
Xanana Gusmao promised to order his men
to stop launching attacks on Indonesian targets inside East
Timor in order to try to restore peace to the territory. Mr
Gusmao made the pledge when he met the United States
Assistant Secretary of State Stanley Roth in Jakarta.
Some 150 paramilitaries who were trained
by TNI in East Timor to attack pro-independence supporters
arrived in Jakarta by ship. They plan to take action against
certain East Timorese, including student activists and
political leaders. Among their targets are a number of
centres used by East Timorese students and youth. Mario
Carrascalao, former governor of East Timor and now a member
of Habibie’s Supreme Advisory Council but increasingly
critical of the Indonesian military's rule of East Timor,
has been told he is at the top of their death list and is in
hiding. Security at a Jakarta residence where Xanana Gusmao
is under house arrest has also been supposedly tightened
after Indonesian authorities confirmed information about the
squad. The paramilitaries who include members of Besi
Merah-Putih and Mahidi are divided into two groups one of
which is being accommodated in Ragunan. This group has
linked up with the well-known hoodlum leader Hercules (who
is from Timor) and Captain Eusebio Belo, an army officer who
now works with the army intelligence unit BIA. Captain Belo
has been supplied with a large sum of money to recruit a
militia force from among hoodlums from Eastern Indonesia for
use in East Timor. The second group is being accommodated in
Kelapa Dua, Bogor which is the location of the headquarters
of Brimob, the police special forces. The armed forces is
believed to have supplied a billion rupiahs to arm and equip
these gangs and supply them with pocket money.
In recent days, the militias have
distributed threatening leaflets in Dili aimed at
intimidating independence activists. The text called on all
houses in the city to fly the Indonesian flag, demanded all
local officials not in favour of continued integration of
East Timor with Indonesia be sacked and stripped of all
benefits, and called on the population to denounce anyone
showing any sympathy for the independence movement. Other
more threatening leaflets have also appeared. One trumpets a
military-style plan dubbed "Operation Total
Clean-up," which outlines a series of steps to be taken
before mid-May to crush pro-independence sentiment. 275
people including Bishop Belo are believed to be on a death
list put together by the Mahidi militia. Nearly all the
people working in Non-Government Organisations (NGOs) are on
it. Basilio Araujo of FPDK was asked how his people could
identify separatists, his reply was simple. "During the
reformasi period (following Soeharto's fall last May), they
made it clear what they were thinking. Now we have
"Paramilitaries - armed and
supported by TNI - have been let loose to murder, rape
and torture innocent civilians whose support for East
Timorese independence they do not share," Amnesty
International said in a statement. "The timing is no
coincidence - all the indications suggest that this is
a deliberate attempt by the Indonesian military and
pro-integration paramilitary groups to destabilise the
situation and thus undermine the diplomatic process to
find a political solution to the conflict in East
17 April
A pro-autonomy rally began in Dili at
10am outside the front of the Governor's office attended by
a number of militia groups including Halilintar, Dadurus,
AHI, Ablai, Mahidi, Laksaur Merah Putih, Besi Merah Putih,
Makikit, Saka and Jati Merah Putih. Also in attendance were
the military and military commander, police representatives,
the Governor and pro-autonomy civilians. In the morning
members of TNI forced local civilians, including old people
and transmigrants to attend the ceremonial part of the
rally. Eurico Guterres urged his army trained followers to
"conduct a cleansing of all those who have betrayed
integration. Capture and kill them, if you need to". He
also talked about splitting East Timor in two, with the area
west of Dili under some sort of pro-Indonesian government.
Meanwhile Manuel Carrascalao, brother of
the former governor, had just arrived from Jakarta was
unable to reach his house in Becora, a suburb of Dili, where
his family and 143 refugees from the districts of Alas,
Liquiça, Maubara, Turiscai and Suai were staying. Fearing
attacks by anti-independence militia, Carrascalao went
looking for protection from Colonel Tono Suratman who he
asked for help to guard his home. Colonel Suratman flatly
refused. "The military must remain neutral," he
The 1,500 militiamen then rampaged
through the city, unchecked by the military, shooting at
houses and attacking pro-independence leaders. Manuel
Pinto, 45 years, from the village of Bahu was shot and
killed by bullets when he stepped off the bus from
Baucau at the Becora bus station. Sebastiao Martins, 21
years, was also shot and sustained severe injuries to both
legs. Around 1pm in Metiaut village, one group of militia
led by the local village head attacked several houses and
injured a number of people. Four victims of whom were taken
to the Motael church clinic.
Around 2pm one hundred militia stormed
Manuel Carrascalao’s home. Some family members and the
refugees were trapped, unarmed. They lay hugging the floor,
screaming and weeping in terror as the shots and rocks
blasted through the windows at the front of the house. An
AFP journalist and a French radio journalist were inside the
house at the time of the attack. They walked out of the
house shouting above the noise of the firing that they were
foreign journalists. They were roughed up at gunpoint and
marched off. Up to 12 people were killed including Manuel’s
18-year-old son, Manuelito, his great aunty Carmelinda
Guterres aged 89, and his cousin, Marcelina Carrascalao.
More than 50 of the refugees fled to police headquarters as
they were unable to escape because the militia had blocked
off all of the streets. Manuel Carrascalao barged into a
meeting between Bishop Carlos Belo and Irish Foreign
Minister David Andrews crying "my son is dead!"
Tension between the militia and the military became apparent
when during the violence Eurico Guterres was heard shouting
at Colonel Suratman asking him to leave the territory! Later
at the Catholic-run health clinic in Dili, two young men who
survived the attack say uniformed and plain-clothes military
personnel were involved in the assault. After the rampage
and killings at Manuel Carrascalao's house, the militia
celebrated into the night with a party.
Around 3pm an attack on the office of
East Timor's sole surviving newspaper Suara Timor Timur
(STT - Voice of East Timor)left its equipment smashed beyond
repair in an estimated $US47,000 worth of damage. Smashed
typewriters, broken computers and business cards lay
scattered about the office. Not a fax machine or telephone
was left intact. All windows and parts of the old printing
press had been broken. During the attack one of the militias
was heard to say that the next targets would be the NGO
offices which have been outspoken about human rights
violations in East Timor and have been helping the refugees.
The NGOs meant must be Yayasan HAK, KONTRAS, and Caritas.
Pro-independence sources say it was a
planned assault to make sure the weekend violence was not
given extensive local coverage. Staff say the militia was
angry with STT because of its strong reporting of the
militia massacre in Liquiça and an interview with the CNRT
leader David Ximenes two weeks ago. Three weeks ago,
accusations of bias led local bosses of the ruling Golkar
party to oust the editor of STT, one-time member of the
pro-Indonesia Apodeti party, Salvador Ximenes Soares, from a
seat in the national parliament. But the newspaper's
credentials are not exactly anti-establishment. It is owned
by the Tatoli Naroman Foundation, whose members include the
Jakarta-appointed provincial governor, Abilio Soares, and
local assembly member Mariano Lopez.
Around 4pm a large group of militias
raided people's houses in West Dili. During the attack they
burned down the house of David Ximenes. The militia also
tortured some young men they encountered. At nightfall, the
few foreign journalists in Dili had their film confiscated
by militiamen carrying wooden staves, and the hotel was
ordered not to serve them food.
A witness said that most of the
paramilitary members are forced to participate and they
committed no violence. There is a small hard core who have
been paid who did the shooting and killing. He said that
some of them are from West Timor, possibly members of the
In Viqueque a young man was hit by a
motorcycle ridden by a member of Makikit. He died
immediately. When the family of the victim reported the
incident to the police, they were threatened with death if
they made a case about it.
The UN Secretary-General issued a
statement deploring these acts which caused casualties and
damage to property and regretting the apparent inability of
the Indonesian authorities to control the violence by the
militias and to protect the civilian population. Annan said
the immediate establishment of a "Peace and Stability
Commission" was essential. |

Death squads roam the streets attacking at
will. Photo by: Beawiharta
18 April
There were clashes in Hera village, East
Dili. The chief of police Timbul Silaen said one person
had died but other sources said that the death toll was
seven. Members of BTT (territorial battalion) and Kodim
arbitrarily arrested and tortured three students from Hera
Polytechnic and two youths from Hera village. During the
torture, the security officials accused them of being
The security forces blame the lack of
police and troops in Dili for the rampage of the militia
when up to 20 people died. Bishop Belo expressed his
amazement at the inability of the security forces to control
the disturbances in Timor.
At 9am 50 Indonesian soldiers took up
position on the hill overlooking Becora's market. Hundreds
of pro-independence youth had held members of Mahidi and
Aitarak at bay around Becora and Kuluhun areas since
yesterday morning. The youth were armed with knives, Molotov
cocktails, arrows, piles of rocks, and sling shots. An hour
later, armed men wearing civilian clothes arrived in 10
vehicles. "Aitarak militia men," said one witness.
The two sides fought and shots were fired. A journalist said
she saw one man killed. She said another person might
have been killed but she had not seen the body. The army,
watching from the hill, did nothing to stop the bloodshed.
"We can only tell people to stay in their houses"
said one soldier, "we can't protect them from the
militia". Then a combined force of soldiers in trucks
from battalions 744 and 521 chased the pro-independence men
and opened fire. Nine of the young men were wounded plus a
passer-by was shot in the neck. Two severely wounded were
taken to a military hospital.
In the same area East Timorese in the
special mobile police (Brimob) opened fire on several
truckloads of paramilitary, sending them in retreat to the
Battalion 744 army base. Several policemen told residents
that they had had family killed by the same paramilitary
group in last week's Liquiça massacre. Other witnesses said
a Mahidi member shot one of the military by mistake and as a
result Brimob shot at militia members.
The Indonesian military not only
turned a blind eye to Saturday's militia attacks in Dili but
had prior knowledge of the planned targets at the most
senior level, diplomatic sources claimed. The sources said
the militia attack was discussed at a senior security
co-ordination meeting held at the Cilangkap armed forces
headquarters in Jakarta, and was attended by General Wiranto,
Udayana military commander Major General Adam Damiri and
East Timor military commander Colonel Tono Suratman.
A military spokesman, Brigadier-General
Sudrajat, blamed the violence in Dili on a call by Xanana
Gusmao, two weeks ago, for his supporters to take up arms to
protect themselves.
Alexander Downer announced "I am
deeply concerned about the pro-integration militia attacks
in Dili on 17 April. The Government of Indonesia and its
Armed Forces must act decisively to stop the violence. It is
imperative that the Armed Forces begin the process of
disarming the militias and that those responsible for the
violence and killings be brought to account".
19 April
10 people were kidnapped in Suai by
Laksaur Merah Putih: 2 from their homes, six as they were
catching a plane to Dili and two others as they were driving
around. One of them, Abilio Pires, is known to have been
Several thousand militiamen muster in the
town of Aileu, south of Dili, where 20 of them drink blood
mixed with wine. "In East Timorese tradition, this
shows that we are in a serious situation and we are ready to
face it," said Basilio Araujo, their spokesman.
Militiamen admit that leaders of CNRT are on their hit list.
Manuel Carrascalao and another CNRT leader, Leandro Isaac,
are now sheltering with the police. Unlike the army, the
police have made some effort to save lives.
The government, including the military,
maintain that the unchecked killing and burning of houses of
independence supporters by militia was sparked by shots
fired by independence activists. "I really regret that
it has happened, armed clashes between the two groups,"
Foreign Minister Ali Alatas told journalists. In Jakarta
General Wiranto said he had ordered the military and the
police "to act firmly" to restore order in East
Portugal, the former colonial ruler of
the territory, was joined by the Foreign Minister of Ireland
in demanding UN action over East Timor, while the United
States and Australia expressed alarm about the developments
and indicated support for early UN involvement.
Indonesia's Justice Minister, Mr Muladi,
backed away from a threat to put Xanana Gusmao back in jail
because of a call he had made to his supporters to take up
arms to protect themselves. Muladi conceded that Gusmao's
call was not a reference to war but a "defensive"
statement. Despite the attacks against his supporters,
Gusmao told Muladi he was still willing to talk with
pro-Indonesian leaders.
Hundreds of militiamen and civil servants
from the Department of Internal Affairs gathered in front of
the Governor's office in a continuation of Saturday's
inauguration of the paramilitary. Dili Bupati Domingos
Soares publicly announced that Eurico Guterres, the head of
the Aitarak militia and vice-commander of all the militias
will be in charge of security and stability in East Timor.
Residents of Dili were told by the Governor, Abilio Soares,
that they will be prosecuted if they speak to the media
about their fears. Many shops remained closed and militia
armed with knives and rifles, patrolled the streets in the
city centre.
An eyewitness spoke of shooting in the
afternoon in Dili's eastern suburb of Becora. She said five
people were shot. The police office in Becora could not
confirm the incident.
Australian Prime Minister John
Howard said he would meet Indonesian President B.J.
Habibie within the next week to discuss rising violence
in East Timor.
"These evil actions in East Timor
clearly have the connivance of senior TNI figures in
Jakarta. Indeed, they bear a shocking resemblance to
Indonesia's operations in 1974 and 1975" wrote long
time Indonesia supporter Greg Sheridan, Foreign Editor of The
Australian newspaper.
General Wiranto has privately told
diplomats in Jakarta that he could easily disarm the
militia, but his forces continue to support the attacks, to
provide transport, food and water and refuse protection to
those on militia hit lists. "In the military's view,
East Timor is an inseparable part of Indonesia. That's why
they have to defend it whatever it takes to do it," he
20 April
General Wiranto arrived in Dili
accompanied by the Chief of Army Staff, General Subagyo,
Army Assistant for Security, Major General Zaki Anwar, the
Head of the Armed Forces Strategic Intelligence Agency Major
General Kiki Syahnakri and the Police Chief General
Roesmanhadi. Zaki Anwar is a former longtime intelligence
officer in Timor and more recently chief of the army's
intelligence agency, BIA. Following Xanana Gusmao’s
transfer from Cipinang Prison to his present place of
detention, Anwar was a frequent visitor to his house. He is
rumoured to be charge of the Operasi Sapu Jagad now causing
death and havoc in Dili. Kiki Syahnakri was a military
commander in Timor until he was withdrawn in 1995 after an
incident in Liquiça when six alleged Falintil members were
killed. This incident became an international issue, forcing
the army to withdraw Syahnakri.
Mario Carrascalao says in Jakarta that he
would stay in hiding because he believed the people
targeting resistance leaders would not stop until he had
been killed. "It's true ... I know these people,"
he said.
East Timorese radio journalists at the
state-run Indonesian Republic Radio say they are too afraid
to go to work after being threatened by the militias. Also
residents now complain about the biased news they are seeing
on the state-run TVRI network which, after the weekend
chaos, showed only news about the militia parade and file
footage of fishermen on the beach and smiling children.
21 April
General Wiranto, Bishop Belo and Bishop
Basilio do Nascimento of Baucau witness the signing of a
reconciliation and "cease fire" agreement at the
home of Bishop Belo by representatives of pro and
anti-independence. Belo refused to sign it saying he had
only been invited to witness it.
The groups pledged to "stop hatred,
intimidation, and terror and try to help create peace."
They also pledged to help the government of Indonesia, the
national Commission on Human Rights and the Roman Catholic
church in promoting the respect of human rights and law in
East Timor. Signing the document from the pro-Indonesian
camp were Domingos Soares who heads the FPDK, and Joao
Tavares, the commander of the militia force. The
pro-Independence camp was represented by Leandro Isaac and
Manuel Carrascalao, both CNRT leaders. It had already
been signed in Jakarta by Xanana Gusmao. Also signing the
document were Governor Abilio Soares, Colonel Tono Suratman,
East Timor police chief Colonel Timbul Silaen and a member
of the National Commission on Human Rights, Joko Sugianto.
Ending the day of peacemaking
announcements and hugging between bitter enemies, General
Wiranto said police had already begun to confiscate weapons.
He invited journalists to view them at Dili's police
headquarters where journalists report a staged event was
held with guns paraded before the cameras while a few
red-and-white head-dressed militiamen stood by. A senior
militia commander announced that violence by his gangs would
no longer be tolerated.
The militias attacked Hera Polytechnic, 5
km outside Dili, where they capture six students. Two
students were reportedly killed and thrown into the sea.
Four other students were detained in Kapolda, the local
police centre.
Five youths were killed when members
of Besi Merah Putih attack the town of Bazar Tete, 30 kms
southwest of Dili.
In Maliana student Antonio Basilio,
26, and farmer Armando Belako, 50, were stabbed
to death in their homes and six
pro-independence people kidnapped.
Bartholomew Borreau, a village
chief of Maluskiik in the Ermera region and local CNRT
leader, survived a torture session last Sunday only to be
arrested again by members of TNI and BMP today and systematically
beaten to death. "His skull was completely
smashed" said Father Sancho Amaral, "it's all
about intimidation. People are being taken away every day to
be interrogated and beaten," Father Sancho said. 'They
have to move around at night and no one can discuss anything
in the open."
In Samalete Village in Ermera one
person is killed by militias.
22 April
Gun-wielding militias ignored East
Timor's day-old cease-fire, threatened civilians and
effectively sealed Dili at night. There was an operation of
Besi Merah Putih and other groups around Comoro especially
around the Convent of Salesian Fathers. All the
pro-independence activists and outspoken leaders in Dili
have gone into hiding.
A pistol-waving militiaman threatened a
group of journalists and ordered them back to Dili as they
accompanied a government human rights commission team
investigating last week's massacre in the town of Liquiça.
Two local farmers, Antonio Borromeu
and Carlito were killed by the Territorial Battalion in
Hatolia in the Sare region.
In Manufahi-Same the pro-integration
militia attacked civilians in the villages of Holarua,
Letefoho, Babulo and Daesua, destroying houses and robbing
the community of important materials. 100 persons sought
refuge in the church.
23 April
Confirmation that at least 30 people
have been kidnapped and killed in Suai, 200 kms
southwest of Dili. Allegations that bodies of the victims
had been dumped into a lake and the nearby Salele River.
Members of Battalion 744 of the Indonesian military, plus
Mahidi and Laksaur Merah Putih militias have been accused of
carrying out the killings. They were all operating from the
Koramil military central command in Suai. Among those
killed are Alvaro de Araujo, Amaro de Araujo, 32, Jose
Aurelio, Emilio, Mateus Araujo, Daniel Amaro, Jorge dos Reis
Celestino, Felix Marcal, 45, Sabino, 27, Blasido, 25, Coli,
22, and Abilio Maulear, 47. During the night at least 30
more young men were kidnapped. A military official in Dili
and a hospital official in Suai say there have been no
deaths in Suai. Domingos Gomes, 25, a former AusAid worker
is one of the kidnapped.
President Clinton wrote to President
Habibie this week outlining his concerns over East Timor and
calling on him to do more to bring the militia to heel.
The Foundation for Legal and Human Rights
in Dili (Yayasan HAK) said the issue of 'civil war' is
nothing more than an artificial design to be used to support
actions of violence, terror and intimidation, referring to
TNI's justification of arming the militia groups on the
grounds of self-defence.
Australian military intelligence
told its government almost two months ago that TNI "in
East Timor are clearly protecting, and in some
instances operating with, pro-Jakarta militia in
attacks in East Timor", Australian radio reported
today. The leaked report, prepared by the Defence
Intelligence Organization, titled ‘Current Intelligence
Briefing’, and dated March 4 had also warned more
violence was certain and would focus on the
territory's capital Dili. "TNI could apprehend or
easily control pro-Indonesia militants, but has chosen
not to" said the report. Throughout March, Australian
Foreign Minister Alexander Downer consistently played down
reports of TNI involvement in violence in East Timor.
24 April
A Dili-based human rights worker said
"the situation in Suai is very, very tense. About 1,300
refugees have been asked to leave the church because they
fear an attack like in Liquiça or Dili. Bodies have washed
up along the beach. Some are already smelly, but there are
also fresh bodies there." The kidnappings have
spread intense fear among the population.
Yayasan HAK has received reports that for
the past few days there have been arrests and kidnappings in
Baucau, Viqueque, Bobonaro and Los Palos. From Atambua (West
Timor) to Dili there are 12 checkpoints: 10 of them are
guarded by the militias and two by the military. HAK
believes that the signing of the recent peace pact was a
mere performance to deceive the international