Doubts about the
Indonesian government's ability to control developments in
East Timor were reinforced by Habibie when he conceded to a
meeting of Australian editors in Jakarta this week that he
was powerless to disarm the militias because "they get
mad", so instead had appealed to all parties to
"lay down their arms voluntarily". The President
confided "I have no problem with the military because
they are professional people; they understand. But the
retired people are a problem."
Speaking from Macau, where he sought
refuge two days ago after leaving his home in Jakarta, Mario
Carrascalao said no one in the Government had offered help
even though it was widely known he was in danger.
Carrascalao said he had a tape on which paramilitary leader
Eurico Guterres threatened to kill him. Guterres has been
implicated in the attack on Carrascalao’s brother’s Dili
home. Carrascalao said the threats by Mr Guterres had been
made in the presence of senior military figures, including
the Dili commander, Colonel Tono Suratman, and three
generals soon before militia attacked the home of his
brother, Manuel. "Once the authorities did not take any
action, I concluded they were together, conspiring."
25 April
TNI forced everyone in Tibar (between
Dili and Liquiça) to take a blood oath with sheep's blood
mixed with arak and a kind of Ecstasy and join Besi Merah
Putih militia led by Leoneto Martins, district chief of
26 April
Fully armed TNI troops and militia of Tim
Saka patrolled the streets of Baucau in trucks. They issued
an announcement ordering all the inhabitants to hoist the
red-and-white Indonesian flag and to wear red-and-white
bands round their heads and arms, to greet a rally to be
held on Wednesday by the pro-integration forces.
A pro-integration group called Sakunar
started entering government offices in Oecusse (an enclave
of East Timor in West Timor) and forcing employees to join
the Forum for Unity, Democracy and Justice. The militiamen
compelled government employees to get down on their knees
and kiss the feet of Simao Lopes, Sakunar’s leader.
In Bobonaro, the militia cut off the ear
of a 20 year old youth, forcing him to eat and swallow it
whilst having a machete to his throat. Then more than twenty
of them trampled on his back and front, after finishing they
delivered him, nearly dead, to the military.
27 April
Militias raided a farm 45 kms west of
Dili belonging to Mario Carrascalao, destroying house
furnishings and killing farm overseer Maumeo. There
were unconfirmed reports that a second person had been
At the emergency summit in Bali between
Indonesian and Australian leaders on East Timor's future,
President B.J. Habibie said he had agreed to sign a
UN-brokered package of measures on East Timor that includes
a section committing Jakarta to disarm rival political
groups in the territory and ensure the neutrality of the
Indonesian armed forces that will have primary
responsibility for providing security in the run-up to the
August Consultation. The Australian Prime Minister, John
Howard, said that he had no reason to doubt the sincerity of
commitments made by the Indonesian leader.
28 April
The Indonesian military and Besi Merah
Putih declared an ultimatum that all villagers should move
to Liquiça by April 30 or they would be killed. Initially,
the army forced all males of 12 and older to leave their
villages but then everyone, including newborn babies, women
who had just given birth, pregnant women and even people who
were very advanced in age, ill or paralysed were told to
move. Officers also told residents that anyone who was known
to be on an army blacklist needn't bother to move to
Recruits to a new militia group, Darah
Integrasi (Blood of Integration), are inducted in a
blood-drinking ceremony in Gleno, near Ermera. They prepare
for an attack on people still remaining in villages in the
district of Liquiça.
Bishop Belo says "the intervention
of the secret service and of some elements of the Indonesian
military command is visible" in the recent attacks
carried out by militias. According to the bishop, these
self-seeking groups interested in keeping the status quo
have armed the Timorese, who are starved of power and money.
He said about 100 people had been killed in recent militia
strikes in Ainaro, Maliana, Zumalai, Liquiça and Dili.
Members of the Naga Merah (Red Dragon)
militia, backed by Indonesian soldiers, are blocking
humanitarian aid organisations delivering food and medicine
to the 5000 to 6000 refugees in the Sare region. Many of the
refugees have fled recent massacres in Liquiça. They are
concentrated in a mountainous region along the border of
Ermera and Maliana districts, about 50 kms southwest of Dili.
Joint Statement Of Humanitarian
Organizations In East Timor (Kontras – Committee for
the Disappeared and Victims of Violence, Yayasan HAK –
Foundation for Law, Human Rights and Justice, Caritas East
Timor, Gertak – Anti-Violence Women’s Group, Fokupers
– Communication Forum for Women, DSMPTT – Student
Solidarity Council, GFFTL – Women Students’ Group, and
Emergency Aid Post for Internal Refugees):
The killings of unarmed civilians by
militia groups have forced many East Timorese to flee their
homes. Data gathered by Emergency Aid Post for Internal
Refugees show that since November 1998 to March 31 1999,
there have been a total of 18,091 internally displaced
peoples (IDP's). These IDP's have become a target for
killings by militia groups, as clearly demonstrated in the
attacks of the Liquiça Church on April 6 and of the home of
Manuel Carrascalao on April 17. In Viqueque, at least 500
people have left their homes to unknown locations to seek
refuge. Similar situations can also be found in Bobonaro,
Ermera and Suai. In Dili, there are at least 1200 internally
displaced refugees. Psychologically, there is an atmosphere
of fear leading to a paralysis in economic activities. In
the countryside, farmers have stopped their agricultural
activities because the militia has prohibited them from
leaving restricted areas. In the first 3 months of 1999,
Yayasan HAK has documented at least 40 dead, 22 wounded, 8
illegal detentions 2 women raped by militia. Indonesian
officials are clearly involved in these incidents. Terror
and intimidation are also directed towards civil servants.
They have been forced to sign documents showing their
allegiance to the Indonesian Republic otherwise they will
lose their job. Threatened with dismissal, in some areas
civil servants are being forced to become members of FPDK.
Threats and terror are also directed towards humanitarian
workers in East Timor. These organizations are not granted
access to provide necessary medicine and food for internally
displaced people, they have been targeted for attack, and
their workers have received threats on their lives. Given
its 23-year reputation in East Timor, we cannot trust that
the Indonesian military can play a neutral role.
Australia's former defence force
chief, a general who commanded peacekeeping forces in
Cambodia, warned that a peaceful plebiscite in East Timor
could only be carried out with the deployment of UN
peacekeepers. General John Sanderson said peacekeepers would
be more effective in disarming militia groups threatening to
disrupt the referendum.
Jakarta's ambassador-at-large for East
Timor, Lopes da Cruz, defends the militias, saying they must
remain armed to defend villagers against attacks by
independence forces. Da Cruz said they would view a
peacekeeping force as pro-independence ahead of the ballot.
Bishop Basilio do Nascimento of Baucau
told a meeting of NGOs in Paris that members of the militias
who attacked the priest’s house in Liquiça seemed drugged
and came back later to apologize.
Plainclothes police facilitated a meeting
between militia commanders in Baucau while at least 40
militiamen waiting outside the meeting were carrying M16s,
guns more powerful than those of the police.
In Dili the intelligence section head at
164 Military Provincial Command, Major Bambang Wisnumurthy,
said the harassment of journalists, whose names were on the
Red and White Iron militia's list, demonstrated the high
level of dissatisfaction among pro-integrationists. Bambang
said: "The main thing is that journalists carry out
their work in accordance with the aspirations of both
The military chief Colonel Tono Suratman
said that militias "will be disarmed in the coming
29 April
Jose Ramos-Horta calls for economic
sanctions against Indonesia, the suspension of international
aid and a naval taskforce to force it to disarm pro-Jakarta
militias in East Timor. Ramos-Horta said TNI had defiantly
refused to act against the militias despite international
diplomatic pressure. "I am just asking that the
Timorese be allowed to choose their own future without
military goons pointing guns at their children; without
machete-wielding hooligans terrorising a population and
killing the unarmed," he said.

Jose Ramos-Horta watching weapons being
destroyed in Europe. Photo: Peter Dejong
Joao Soares, a spokesman for the militia
squads has warned that armed UN peacekeepers in East Timor
would be at risk. "We will never accept any kind of
peace force. Maybe some kind of team to assist us but don't
try to come here with weapons or anything because we will
not be responsible then".
Portuguese Foreign Minister Jaime Gama
urged Indonesia to disarm pro-Jakarta militias and halt
bloodshed in East Timor ahead of a UN-supervised
Consultation on its future.
In Dili almost every evening there is
gunfire and confrontation. The greater fear is the
harassment against CNRT supporters and the students. The
tactics are for targeted supporters to be phoned and told
they will be "called on". Many students have fled,
and many CNRT leaders have evacuated their families. Manuel
Carrascalao with his daughter and seven other relatives has
left East Timor. He said he feared for his family's safety
and would only return when a UN police force was in place.
Over the past two weeks paramilitary forces have
systematically visited house to house in suburbs to the east
of Dili. They force their way into people's homes and demand
that the residents sign a petition for integration. Most
sign for fear of their lives. The purpose of the terror is
geared to create the illusion that people support
Nuns report that the paramilitary are
active in Baucau and Venilale carrying out the same house to
house searching and enforcement that is occurring in Dili.
Many people are reporting to clinics with severe burns
resulting from injuries received when their houses are
destroyed if they refuse to sign the petitions. Although
there have been fewer killings, many people are missing,
including those who are fleeing to the hills. There are many
sheltering in Dili.
Major-General Tjahyono, a member of the
armed forces faction in the Indonesian Parliament, gave an
undertaking to Indonesian group Solidamor (Solidarity for
Timor Leste Peace Settlement) that General Wiranto and the
army would not take sides in the conflict between
pro-integration and pro-independence forces in Timor. ' It
is the army's intention to make peace between them because
it is totally committed to peace,' he said. Another Member
of Parliament Colonel Prayogo said one thing was certain and
that was that the armed forces didn’t want casualties.
30 April
Eurico Guterres admitted that he had
ordered the April 17 attack on the house of a prominent
resistance leader in Dili during a ceremony in Atabae, 70
kms west of Dili, where new Halilintar militia recruits
pledged allegiance to Indonesia. The event was attended by
the District Chief of Bobonara who affirmed support for the
militias. Australian journalists left the ceremony after
their interpreter was briefly detained and beaten up and had
his life threatened by a group comprising militia men, the
district military commander and an officer believed to be
from Kopassus. They reportedly let him live because he was
working for foreigners. "I should leave this
country," he said. "Otherwise I will die, I
Members of the Makikit and Tim 59 militia
groups arrested two traditional chiefs, Jermano Amaral, 40,
of Dilor village, and Duarte, 42, of Ahite village, and two
farmers, Jose Martins, 38, and Mau Kaik, 42. All four were
handed over to the Indonesian elite force, Kopassus. Duarte
and Mau Kaik were tortured and killed. In neighbouring
Los Palos, a young man, Evaristo Lopes, 25, of Raça, was
killed by local Kopassus operatives after enduring a week of
torture. He had been handed over to Kopassus by the
Makikit militia.
It has been reported that Major-General
Damiri publicly held a meeting with paramilitaries at which
he gave the signal for Operasi Sapu Jagad to start,
resulting in many casualties. With this act Damiri is in
open defiance of Habibie’s decision to give the East
Timorese the chance to determine their own political future.
If some militias fail to get enough recruits, territorial
soldiers disguise themselves as paramilitaries. The cost of
this operation is enormous and analysts in Jakarta believe
that the money is being supplied by a group of influential
retired generals including Benny Moerdani and ex-vice
president Try Sutrisno.
A few weeks ago a body was dug up from
a salt lake near Baucau. The villagers think he was Jose
Luis Pereira, a 21-year-old economics student from another
town. No one is sure, because the young man's face had
been cut off.
A report by the Roman Catholic Church’s
Peace and Justice Commission in Dili claims 18 people
have been killed, 10 tortured and nine are missing as a
result of militia violence in Suai. The violence occurred
between April 9 and 24 it said. As well, 22 houses had been
burnt. Laksaur Merah Putih has been blamed for the
violence. |
The Assistant
Secretary of State for Asia and the Pacific, Stanley Roth,
said the US was helping to apply "vast pressure"
on Jakarta to haul its military into line and clamp down on
the militia responsible for ongoing murders in Timor.
"It seems that what the Indonesian Government's stated
policy directs is almost irrelevant," he said. Roth
said there was strong evidence the Indonesian Army was
allowing pro-Jakarta paramilitary groups to conduct their
killing sprees with complete impunity, putting the autonomy
Consultation at peril.
Nearly 100 supporters of integration met
in Dili to form the East Timor United People's Front (FUPTO),
a political body initiated by Lopes da Cruz. The ceremony
was attended by Governor Abilio Soares, and by Colonel Tono
Suratman and Colonel Timbul Silaen. Paramilitary groups
responsible for recent violence in the territory are welcome
to join the group, da Cruz said. He added that
"although they may have committed errors, this Front
aims to control them, to work for the good name of
Indonesia". Leaders of the FPDK have criticized the new
Front. "This is a group of opportunists who were asleep
at the beginning. When our work is begun and things are
going well these little heroes show up at the last minute
and want to organize and order around the people who have
been working", FPDK spokesman Herminio da Costa
declared yesterday.
The European Union is "deeply
concerned" about reports that pro-Jakarta militias in
East Timor are planning to attack or eliminate independence
supporters on May 1.
1 May
The deadline set by militia group Darah
Merah to cleanse Dili of independence supporters who
remained in Dili after midnight passed without incident, but
fears remained high.
The Indonesian military blocked all roads
leading south and west of Ermera where thousands of refugees
from weeks of militia violence in the coastal towns of
Liquiça and Maubara have fled to seek the protection of the
guerrillas, according to Catholic relief workers. A senior
police officer said six people had been arrested in the
coffee-growing town of Gleno, in the Ermera highlands, over
the abduction and murder of 11 supporters of militias.
The police commander said the six suspects were local youths
and members of the CNRT and Falintil.
Three people were killed in Maubisse
by militias.
Chairman of the Indonesian National Human
Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) Marzuki Darusman said
"if East Timor was let go, it would discredit the whole
armed forces completely." Darusman is also a chairman
of the ruling Golkar party. "Of course TNI could stop
the militias, so if the militias are against a UN presence,
then TNI is against the UN" he added. TNI is fighting
for political survival in this country," said Darusman,
referring to the popular demand that the military be
excluded from politics once and for all. "If East Timor
was let go, it would open up a chain of reactions. Then you
could easily shunt TNI aside from politics. It's countdown
time for them," he said.
Every member of the CNRT has disappeared,
feared murdered, in Oecusse, the enclave of East Timor on
the north coast of West Timor. According to Indonesian
newspaper Kompas the CNRT branch there was 'dissolved'.
Colonel Tono Suratman claimed that no force had been used to
bring about the dissolution of the CNRT.
In the eastern part of East Timor,
militias, TNI and Kopassus have taken at least eight
community leaders in the past 48 hours, murdering three
so far. At 6.20pm today, members of the Makikit and Tim
59 militia groups grabbed four public servants and handed
them over to TNI headquarters. All were tortured. One,
Antonio Vicente, 52, public servant, is believed to have
been killed already.
Bob Lowry, a former major in the
Australian army, who wrote The Armed Forces of Indonesia
and graduated from the Indonesian Army Command and Staff
College in Bandung in the same year as General Wiranto said
Indonesia's top army brass "are lying through their
teeth the whole time" while they have been allowing
thugs to butcher civilians in East Timor in recent weeks.
Lowry suggested that people "judge Wiranto according to
what he does, not what he says. The objective is
clear", said Lowry, now a visiting fellow at the
Australian Defence Studies Centre, "the army took East
Timor in 1975, has held it by force and is not interested in
relinquishing it. The army is determined to preserve East
Timor as the 27th province of Indonesia. While President B.J.
Habibie has decided to allow East Timor the option of
independence, the armed forces has decided to subvert his
Government's policy". He continued "there's no way
in the world these militias could do what they are doing
unless they were protected by TNI." Lowry said that if
Wiranto did not approve of the actions of the armed forces,
it would be simple for him to replace the recalcitrant
officers. No Indonesian military leader could move entirely
on his own, he needs to keep the support of his officers,
but he could easily replace a regional commander.
Lowry said it will be extremely difficult
for voting to be even remotely free. "The aim is to
separate the leadership of the pro-independence movement
from the people. By repressing, terrorising and killing,
they will make sure there is no leadership left to promote
the cause." "The pro-Indonesia thugs have been
complicit with the local administration in purging
independence sympathisers from the civil service in East
Timor. And they have been intimidating voters who might want
to vote for independence." Said Lowry "You'll have
these UN observers going in who don't speak a word of the
local Tetum dialect, they could be standing next to a
soldier intimidating the shit out of a voter and have no
idea what's going on right under their noses".
2 May
Falintil guerrilla commander Falur has
denied responsibility for the deaths of eleven people whose
decomposing bodies were exhumed by the Indonesian police in
Gleno near Ermera. Falur said a 6,000-strong force of
military personnel and militiamen had already gathered to
attack his camp.
A major crackdown has been carried out by
the Indonesian military against CNRT members and those
accused of links with Falintil in the past few weeks. A
report released by Yayasan HAK detailed the killings of
nine people around Ermera and Gleno including a
political activist and a human rights worker.
In Fatuberliu, militiamen attacked a
group of young men returning from a mass in the mountains. Two
young men were badly wounded and are now believed to have
In certain parts of the Dili groups of
armed militia could be seen, mostly in recently set up
posts. "I have one just about 30 metres from my home,
with militias armed with machetes and one with a gun
guarding it" Aniceto Guterres the director of Yayasan
HAK said. Several gang members had been drinking heavily.
Foreign journalists were intimidated by the militia and
prevented from meeting with Guterres. The group's driver was
kicked and threatened with death by the militiamen.
3 May
Colonel Tono Suratman has called on the
media to play a peaceful role in resolving the East Timor
question. "The press should not contribute to confusion
among Timorese", Suratman said.
The territory's only newspaper, Suara
Timor Timur returned to the news stands after the leader
of the Besi Merah Putih, Manuel de Sousa, had delivered a
blunt warning that the paper should focus on his version of
the truth in its news reporting and commentary. Dili
residents said today’s edition bore a markedly
pro-Indonesia slant.
In Remexio Rajawali militia mounted an
attack against the local population. They captured and
tortured many unarmed civilians and took away to Aileu
trucks full of people. Four people are being held at the
military headquarters of Aileu where they have been
subjected to intensive interrogation and torture such as
being sliced with razor blades, punched and given electric
Foreign diplomats in Jakarta said the
campaign of threats against foreign and local
non-governmental organizations seemed to confirm a
"clear change of strategy" by the groups favouring
East Timor’s integration into Indonesia. They have
apparently abandoned high-profile actions to concentrate on
persuading and intimidating "individuals linked to
humanitarian organizations and the pro-independence
General Wiranto announced militia groups
have handed in their weapons and the outnumbered and
overwhelmed pro-independence movement has switched sides or
fled to the forests. According to him, security has improved
to the point where the 27th province is
relatively safe. Now the police and military are neutral,
Wiranto said.
4 May
A police source in Dili said today the
only guns surrendered had been the twelve homemade wooden
models received by Wiranto on April 21, the day the
agreement was signed.
Dozens of pro-independence students
defied threats of violence by militia in Dili as the first
United Nations officials arrived. Chanting "no to
autonomy", students at the University of East Timor
staged the first anti-Indonesian demonstration in the city
since hundreds of militia went on a rampage. The
pro-autonomy militia were nowhere to be seen and soldiers on
several trucks that drove past during the one-hour rally did
not try to intervene.
5 May
In New York, the Indonesian and
Portuguese Foreign Ministers sign a UN-brokered agreement
enabling the UN Secretary-General to hold a consultation of
the people of East Timor. They are meant to accept an offer
of autonomous integration, or if rejected Indonesia would
withdraw. Indonesian armed forces are to be in charge of
security for the Consultation. Indonesia gives assurances of
An Australian newspaper has learned of a
plan by Indonesia's armed forces commander, General Wiranto,
to transfer soldiers under his command in East Timor to a
territorial police force, meaning there is unlikely to be a
reduction in the number of Indonesian security forces in
East Timor during the Consultation.
7 May
It is reported that there are political
indocrination concentration camps outside the town of
Liquiça and Hatolia. There are 10,000 people in the
Liquiça camp. Some of the church killers are in control.
The people are not given any food, must sing the Indonesian
national anthem every day and wear red and white. Officials
from international aid agencies have been threatened with
death if they go to the camps. Colonel Tono Suratman said
"I can’t say anything about that ….. it is the
responsibility of the police."
11 May
Allan Nairn an American journalist who
was bashed during the Dili massacre, interviewed one of the
commanders of East Timor’s militias, Herminio da Costa.
(Interview to be published 31 May). Da Costa said the
Indonesian armed forces had made a secret "accord"
with the militias authorizing them to assassinate members of
local independence groups. He said the accord has been in
effect since late January and that it authorized his men to
"attack homes, interrogate and kill members of the CNRT
and Fretilin," as long as the militias refrained from
common crimes like "car theft and stealing food."
Da Costa says that the accord was also worked out in Dili
with the police chief, Col.Timbul Silaen. The militia leader
described how his men had executed unarmed "enemies of
the people" but said that these killings had been
carried out with prior clearance from TNI. Da Costa has long
served the army openly as an informant and collaborator and
it guarantees his local business holdings. On May 5
Indonesia signed a UN deal in which the government pledged
to stay neutral in the Timor vote and to enforce the law
impartially. But da Costa said that as far as the militias
knew, their accord with TNI "remains in
Da Costa says that the accord was also
worked out in Dili with the police chief, Col.Timbul Silaen.
The killings and intimidation continue
………… can the world sit by and do nothing?
All the information in this
report has been compiled and cross-checked from reports from
the media and human rights organisations and eye witness
accounts. These reports are all listed in full on the East
Timor news group reg.easttimor
ABRI - former name for the Armed
Forces of the Republic of Indonesia
Brimob – special mobile police
BMP – Besa Merah Putih – one
of the militia death squads
BTT – Territorial Battalion
Bupati – Governor of a district
CNRT – National Council of
Timores Resistance, pro-independence
FPDK - Forum for Unity, Democracy
and Justice, pro-Indonesia
GRPRTT – The Timorese Movement
for Reconciliation and Peace, pro-independence
Kodim – Military District
Kopassus – Special Forces
Command known asthe ‘Red Berets’
Koramil – Military Subdistrict
NGO – Non-Government
SGI – Intelligence arm of
TNI – Tentara Negara Indonesia -
the new name for the Indonesian Armed Forces
UN – United Nations
Yayasan HAK - the Foundation for
Legal and Human Rights