Accessed 12 October 1999

Chronology: Switzerland and the Second World War

Brief Survey 1934-1994 Brief Survey 1934-1994
Detailed Overview of Events 1994-1996 Detailed Overview of Events 1994-1996
Detailed Overview of Events 1997 Detailed Overview of Events 1997
Detailed Overview of Events 1998 Detailed Overview of Events 1998
Detailed Overview of Events 1999 Detailed Overview of Events 1999

1. Brief Survey 1934-1994

1934 Introduction of bank secrecy
1939-45 Second World War (for the chronology of events during this period, refer to tables of events in the relevant literature)
1946 Federal Decree concerning the approval of the financial agreement concluded in Washington (the Washington Agreement, with message of the Federal Council, the Federal Decree, debates in the National Council and in the Council of States, and several newspaper articles)
1947 Short parliamentary question Meister: concerning valuable objects which might have found their way from Auschwitz to Switzerland
1949 Compensation Agreement of Switzerland with Poland (see also: Hug/Perrenoud Report, 1996)
1950 Compensation Agreement of Switzerland with Hungary (see also: Hug/Perrenoud Report, 1996)
1950 Interpellation of Werner Schmid. Heirless assets
1951 Short parliamentary question of Philipp Schmid
1957 Ludwig Report: Switzerland’s Refugee Policy from 1933 to the Present (1957)
1959 Motion by Huber. Assets of missing foreigners
1959 The Swiss Bankers Association argues against a registration decree on « heirless assets ». The assets without known beneficiary amount to only something like 900,000 francs. (information according to the NZZ-Fokus, Nr.2, Feb., 1997)
1962 Federal Decree on Assets situated in Switzerland belonging to Foreigners or Stateless Persons Persecuted for Reasons of Race, Religion, or Political Beliefs, approved on 20 December 1962
1962 The task is given to Edgar Bonjour « to elaborate a comprehensive report for the Federal Council on Swiss foreign policy during the last World War »
1970 Publication of the Bonjour Report
1975 Federal Decree on the Use to be Made of the Assets in Switzerland belonging to Foreigners or Stateless Persons Persecuted for Reasons of Race, Religion, or Political Beliefs, approved on 3 March 1975
1980 The Federal Finance Administration closes the « Heirless Assets Fund » account (see also Hug/Perrenoud Report, 1996)
1984/85 Robert Vogler’s The Swiss National Bank’s Gold Trade with the German Reichsbank 1939-1945
1989 50th anniversary of the 1939 mobilization « Diamond » (Parliamentary debates in the context of an addendum to the preliminary estimate: Official Bulletin of the Federal Assembly 1989, NC transcripts 779 and 805; C of S transcript 321)
1989-94 Upon mandate of the Jewish Agency, the then National Councillor Andreas Gerwig and the then Federal Councillor Kurt Furgler search for a solution to the still unclaimed assets. Their recommendations for the creation of a fund or for a new statutory regulation are not accepted

More detailed chronological reviews are also to be found under: Bonjour and Häsler ( for the Second World War); Hug/Perrenoud (1945-1980)

Put together by the Parliamentary Services

Document compiled by Dr S D Stein
Last update 13/10/99
©S D Stein

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