
Volume VII · Page 244
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Table of Contents - Volume 7
 G. Opening Statement for Defendant Hoerlein* 
DR. NELTE (counsel for defendant Hoerlein) : Dr. Nelte for the defendant Professor Dr. Heinrich Hoerlein. Mr. President, Your Honors: defendant Professor Hoerlein, together with ail the other defendants, is charged with having participated in the planning, preparation, initiation, and waging of wars of aggression, and invasions of other countries.

This count of the indictment concerns the over-all responsibility which Professor Hoerlein is held to have assumed as a member of Farben's Vorstand. In this connection, it is essential to prove the extent to which Professor Hoerlein has participated in decisions and measures which he knew had as their objective the planning, preparation, initiation, and the waging of wars of aggression.

We reserve to ourselves to present at a later date the legal issues arising from the problem of over-all responsibility and conspiracy.

Professor Hoerlein, in an affidavit, will explain his position, his functions, and his competencies within Farben's administrative structure — the Vorstand and the Central Committee. This will reveal a picture of a decentralized business activity which, by virtue of Farben's immense size, rendered it practically impossible for any individual member of the Vorstand to be informed of details of the activities of other members of the Vorstand, at least as to their motives and purposes.

Professor Hoerlein, who, jointly with Professor Lautenschlaeger and Direktor Mann, represented the pharmaceutical branch of Sparte II as well as the pharmaceutical plants and laboratories in Elberfeld-Leverkusen, will, when called to the stand, testify and introduce documentary evidence to the effect that the pharmaceutical branch did not benefit from the National Socialist movement and regime, nor from the Wehrmacht; that is, from rearmament.

The development of this branch of Farben was not influenced by rearmament, but by developments in the international field, namely, by export. These developments induced the leading men, either from necessity or from conviction, to adopt an attitude of conciliation and peace among nations. Moreover, proof will be submitted that plans for the activities in France, decided upon in July 1939, and the plans for Russia, discussed in October 1940, preclude the suspicion that the leading men of the pharmaceutical branch — as, for instance, Professor Hoerlein — believed in an im- […pending]
* Tr. pages 4760-4777, 18 December 1947. The final statement of the defendant Hoerlein to the Tribunal appears in section XII B 4. volume VIII, this series.

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