
Volume VII · Page 268
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Table of Contents - Volume 7
K. Opening Statement for Defendant Ambros* 
DR. HOFFMANN (counsel for defendant Ambros): May it please the Tribunal. My opening statement for Otto Ambros cannot consist merely of the announcement of exonerating evidence to be submitted to disprove the assertions advanced by the prosecution.

My knowledge of Otto Ambros compels me to give you, Your Honors, in this opening statement, an idea of the significance of this man's work.

Otto Ambros looks upon his profession of chemist as a vocation, and is passionately devoted to it. The enormous development of a vital part of modern organic chemistry is inseparably connected with his work as a chemist.

In this connection, I refer to the construction of the first plants for the manufacture of synthetic rubber; the development of the many new plastic substances; the solvents and resins; and the intermediates for the manufacture of synthetic dyestuffs, pharmaceuticals, and hundreds of other chemicals.

This list may, perhaps, give only the expert a precise idea of the actual scope of Otto Ambros' work. To describe the actual significance of his work in its effects on daily life would, however, go beyond the scope of this opening statement.

Otto Ambros, who started his industrial career with Farben in 1927 (following his period of apprenticeship with Richard Willstaetter), regarded I.G. Farben as a chemical enterprise exclusively.

It may be true that the merchant and the financier could offer him the outer framework, but that was all; the substance, for Otto Ambros, was chemistry.

At the age of 36, after he had worked for only about 10 years in the IG, Otto Ambros was appointed a member of the Vorstand.

At that time he was not a Party member, nor was the appointment due to any other connections.

In view of the field of work which Otto Ambros represented in the Vorstand, it was inevitable that he should, in his capacity of one of the leading chemists in organic chemistry, continue to restrict his activities to scientific and technical matters.

He personally directed a number of important boards of experts within IG. Farben. There was no time left for official activities outside his firm.

The evidence will show that Dr. Otto Ambros drew a very definite line between himself and the totalitarian organization of the
* Tr. pages 4791-4813. 18 December 1947. The final statement, of the defendant Ambros to the Tribunal appears in section XII B 5, volume VIII, this series.  

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