
Volume VII · Page 281
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Table of Contents - Volume 7
L. Opening Statement for Defendant Buetefisch* 
Du. HANS FLAECHSNER (counsel for defendant Buetefisch): Your Honors: The prosecution has sketched, or rather, has tried to sketch, a picture of the accused Vorstand members of I.G. Farbenindustrie; a picture which is abounding in mistakes in perspective, misconstructions, misrepresentations, and distortions. From its viewpoint, the prosecution arrives at judgments which are in no way justified by actual facts. The accused were men "who stopped at nothing." These were the words of the chief prosecutor when referring to them in his opening statement. He accuses them of "unmitigated presumption and unbounded scorn for the laws of God and man," and further maintains that "they judged themselves alone as fit to sway the destiny of the world. All their judgments sprang from a bottomless vanity and an insatiable ambition." And finally, he says: "They made power their only and highest God." Such accusations and recriminations are heard throughout the whole of the prosecution's speech. What is there in it, on the other hand, that is true? I cannot concern myself here with the accused as a group, but shall confine myself to the accusations levelled at the accused Dr. Buetefisch, whom I represent, with reference to his activities within IG.

He has been a member of IG for 25 years. First in the laboratory, and then, as works assistant in the Leuna plant, he advanced until he finally took over, together with his colleague Schneider, the entire management of the Leuna plant, a post which he filled until 1945. It is the career of a gifted, capable chemist and technician, whose life was taken up with the development and extension of chemical synthesis in the sphere of coal, which, in the course of the prosecution's speech, became known to the Court as the sphere of production of Sparte I. The scope of the duties undertaken by Dr. Buetefisch and his gradual rise in this great field of research, development, and technical expansion cannot be deduced from the record of his promotions to new positions within IG. It rather developed organically and grew, with the ability to recognize technical possibilities in any sphere, to direct their development, to appraise them properly, and to organize their utilization. In a large and leading chemical firm such as I.G. Farbenindustrie, people with such ability could become specialists in their particular fields and be recognized as experts, not only inside Germany, but as first class specialists beyond the boundaries of the Reich. It can indeed be said that Dr. Buetefisch was considered as such a technical expert in the field of nitrogen,
* Tr. pages 4814-4821, 18 December 1947.  

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