
Volume VII · Page 1134
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Table of Contents - Volume 7
b. Testimony of Defendant ter Meer
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DR. BORNEMANN (associate counsel for defendant ter Meer):

Dr. ter Meer, as you know, the prosecution charges Farben to have been leading among the people who drafted these mobilization plans. In this field especially, Farben is supposed to have taken the initiative and thus prepared a war of aggression. Does this allegation of the prosecution correspond to the truth, and why did Farben concern itself with this very extensive field of work?

A. The prosecution's charge is that Farben allegedly prepared such mobilization plans for the first time on 1 July 1937. This is correct as such, but it was not done on the initiative of Farben, but rather upon the initiative of the authorities. There was a history to this story that has extended over several years. The prosecution overlooked the fact that, already in 1934, so-called production investigations were made. These were investigations about the production of the entire German economy for the year 1933, and they were undertaken by the Statistical Reich Office, an authority which was part of the Reich Ministry of Economics.

Q. May I ask you, was the Statistical Reich Office newly created or was it an old institution?

A. It is an old institution. These investigations were undertaken at the time — they were even compulsory at the time — because reference was made to a certain regulation. I know that we turned against permitting these investigations of production at the time, because it was something unheard-of in Germany for a private industrialist to give to a government authority a list about his products in detail; and that beyond that, he should give an exact description of the raw materials and ingredients used; that he should also include his personal data, statements about current that was used — electrical current — and also about the sale of products at home, abroad, and so on. All that material had to be included, and we had never experienced such a request up to that time. We turned, at the time very emphatically, against complying with this information regulation. I sent Dr. Struss, at the time, to Berlin to the Statistical Reich Office, and he talked to the chairman of his office, a Mr. Leisel, but Leisel told him that there was a regulation of 12 July 1923 about the obligation
* Further extracts are reproduced above in subsections C 5b, E 3. G 3, below in subsections I 7c, J 4, K 3a, L 3d, M 3, 0 7a, and in section VIII, subsections C 6, D 3, D 6, E 4, and section IX subsection F 2, volume VIII this series.  

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