
Volume VII · Page 1263
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Table of Contents - Volume 7
that for the construction, too, a separate enterprise should be founded.  
Q. When was Luranil founded — during or before the war? 
A. In book 13 of the prosecution Document NI-4988, Prosecution Exhibit 355* is offered and this is a file note about the foundation of Luranil G.m.b.H. dated 29 January 1940 - that is, during the war. There, I express quite clearly that the purpose of the Luranil G.m.b.H. was twofold. Farben was not to appear in public with such plans. Secondly, that the cost for such Reich-owned plants should be kept strictly separate from other tasks of IG. Farben, and that went so far that when Luranil hired personnel, they were not to become personnel of Farben, so that Farben could not and would not take any responsibility for them. But we didn't want to camouflage anything either. In the index of some prosecution book it is hinted that Luranil was an artificial construction in order to camouflage our work in this field. That was by no means so, for this report says that in the case of all orders that went out in the name of Luranil, a slip of paper was to be added wherein Farben stated that Luranil was a 100 percent subsidiary company of Farben, and that no customers should be afraid that he would not be paid, because the means for meeting our obligations were safeguarded and guaranteed by Farben. Mr. Hoffmann, we merely did not want to have large signs on every construction site that said "IG. Farben;" that was all.  
* * * * * * * * * 
L. Secrecy Regulations, Research and Development of Military
Importance, and Withholding of Strategic Information and
Know-How from Foreign Countries  
Most of the principal allegations of the indictment concerning secrecy regulations, research and development for military purposes, and the withholding of strategic information from foreign countries are contained under two major subdivisions of count one: "B. Farben Synchronized All of its Activities with the Military Planning of the German High Command," and "F. Farben Participated in Weakening Germany's Potential Enemies." In the charges concerning Farben's Liaison Office Wehrmacht the indictment charged: "One of the first responsibilities given to the Vermittlungsstelle by the Wehrmacht was the enforcement of stringent security measures in Farben, designed to enable Germany to arm for war with as little notice as possible to the outside world" (par. 20). Later, in the charges concerning Farben's
* Reproduced above in subsection K 4.

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