
Older Additions

October 24, 1998 - Added Translation of Document NO-4327 - Prosecution Exhibit 6 - Affidavit of Kurt Lindow, 21 July 1947.

October 23, 1998 - Added Authenticity of the Einsatzgruppen Reports - a. Introduction, b. Evidence - Prosecution Documents, and Translation of Document N0-2716 - Prosecution Exhibit 4 - Affidavit of Heinz Herman Schubert, 4 February 1947.

October 22 1998 - Translation of Document NO-2890 - Prosecution Exhibit 5 - Affidavit of Otto Ohlendorf, 24 April 1947, Concerning the Organization of the Einsatzgruppen.

October 21, 1998 - Added "Organization of the Einsatzgruppen" - Introduction, Organizational Chart of the Reich Secirity Main Office and the Einsatzgruppen, Evidence - Prosecution Documents, and Partial Translation of Document NO-2934 (Prosecution Exhibit 78) Extract from Operational Situation Report U.S.S.R. No. 19, 11 July 1941. The Amercian Legion Monterey Cypress Post 694 of Marina,California has honored us with their GOLD WING OF EXCELLENCE AWARD.

October 20, 1998 - Added Opening Statement for the Defendant Blobel.

October 13, 1998 - Added "The Einsatzgruppen Case" - Opening Statements for the Defense - Opening Statement for the Defendant Ohlendorf.

September 27, 1998 - Added "The Einsatzgruppen Case" - Jurisdiction of the Court, The Nature of the Charges - Count One, Count Two and , Count Three and Theory of Individual Responsibility. Added a piece by Konrad Heiden on The Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion.

September 16, 1998 - Added The United States of America vs. Kazys Ciurinskas. Added "The Einsaztgruppen Case" - Einsatzgruppe C and Einsatzgruppe D. Added photograph of Mass murder in Kaunas

September 15, 1998 - Added Einsatzgruppe B - "The Einsatzgruppen Case."

September 10, 1998 - Added The Eichmann Story - Fighting a war on the Blaa-Alm. Added Identity: A 'Christian' Religion for White Racists. Added Holocaust Denial - Litter on the Highway, an essay by Hilary Ostrov Added "The Einsatzgruppen Case" - Activities of the Einsatzgruppen (Einsatzgruppe A).

September 9, 1998 - Added The Organization of the Einsatzgruppen - "The Einsatzgruppen Case."

September 7, 1998 - Added "The Einsatzgruppen Case" - Arraignment, Opening Statement of the Prosecution, and Nazi Doctrine of Superior and Inferior Races.

September 2, 1998 - Added "The Einsatzgruppen Case" - Count Two - War Crimes and Count Three - Membership in Criminal Organizations.

September 1, 1998 - Added "The Einsatzgruppen Case" - Count One - Crimes Against Humanity.

August 31, 1998 - Added The Eichmann Story - Snow on the mountains. Added Defendants and Defense Counsel and Indictment - "The Einsaztgruppen Case."

August 29, 1998 - Added "The Einsatzgruppen Case" Order Constituting Tribunal II-A, Members of the Tribunal, and Prosecution Counsel. Added photographs Defendants in The Einsatzgruppen Trial, Members of the Tribunal, and Procescution and Defense Attorneys.

August 28, 1998 - Transcription has begun on Military Tribunal II Case 9 - "The Einsaztgruppen Case". Added Opening and Introduction.

August 27, 1998 - Added profile of Paul Blobel. Electric Zen celebrates one year on line today.

July 29, 1998 - Added Operational Situation Report USSR No. 38.

July 26, 1998 - With the addition of the individual judgment of Matthias Graf, the transcription of the Opinion and Judgment of the Tribunal is complete.

July 23, 1998 - Added The Development of the Gas-van in the Murdering of the Jews

July 16, 1998 -Added Operational Situation Reports USSR No's 26 and 27. Added individual judgment of Heinz Hermann Schubert. We have received a Best of the Planet Award.

July 13, 1998 - Added NMT II Individual Judgments of Woldemar von Radetzky and Felix Ruehl.

July 10, 1998 -Added The Eichmann Confessions - Resistance in the Alps. Added Operational Situation Report USSR No. 21. Added Holocaust Denial & The Big Lie.

July 6, 1998 - Added The Echmann Confessions - A living chain for shells.

July, 5, 1998 - Added Report by Waffen SS on Killing of Jews in the Pripet Marshes.

July 3, 1998 - Added Operational Situation Reports USSR No's 12 and 19.

July 1, 1998 - Added The Protocols of the Elders of Zion by Danial Keren. Added Extracts from a Report by Einsatzgruppe A in the Baltic Countries, 1941 on the instigating of pogroms.

June 27, 1998 - Added Operational Situation Report USSR No. 17.

June 22, 1998 - Added Operational Situation Report USSR No. 108.

June 21, 1998 - Added NMT II Individual judgment of Lothar Fendler. Added Operational Situation Reports USSR No.'s 10, 13, and 14. Added profile of Otto Ohlendorf Added The Eichman Story - Immensely idealistic Zionists, The gentleman's agreement, Motorize the divisions and To preserve appearances.

June 17, 1998 - Added an extract From a Wehrmacht Report on the Extermination of Jews in Ukraine. Added 'To Sum It All Up, I Regret Nothing,' the beginning of part two of Eichmann in his own words. We were presented with The Critical Mass award for web excellence.

June 16, 1998 - LuminEssence Web Publishing has awarded us their "Cum Laude Award" for excellence in design, content, and website structure. Added The Confessions of Adolf Eichmann - Inhumanity among the Hungarians and The charred mountain of corpses, ending part one.

June 15, 1998 - Added section The Einsatzgruppen and the Wehrmacht - "The soldier must be deeply aware of the necessity ...of punishing the Jews", Von Reichenau's orders to the 6th Army, The Annihilation of the Judaeo-Bolshevik System, von Manstein's orders to the 11th Army, an order by Keitel Banning Wehrmacht Contacts with Jews in the Occupied Territories in the East, September 12, 1941. and The Wehrmacht and the Einsatzgruppen Aktionen, September 1941 - order by von Rundstedt

June 14, 1998 - Added The Confessions of Adolf Eichmann - The shipments to Auschwitz. Added photograph of the arrival of Hungarian Jews at Auschwitz. Added profile of Waldemar Klingelhoefer. Added NMT II - Individual judgment of Martin Sandberger.

June 13, 1998 - Added a collection of 8 photographs from the Warsaw Ghetto revolt.

June 12, 1998 - Added The Revolt of Warsaw Jews - The Confessions of Adolf Eichmann. Added photograph of the arrival and selection of Hungarian Jews in Auschwitz, 1944.

June 10, 1998 - Added Letter from Kube to Lohse concerning the condition of Jews in Minsk.

June 7, 1998 - Added confessions of Adolf Eichmann - The gas chambers at Auschwitz. Added photograph of Rudolf Höss. Added NMT II - Individual judgment of Woldemar Klingelhoefer.

June 6, 1998 - Added photograph of Friedrich Jeckeln and of a Gassing Van used at Chelmno.

June 1, 1998 - Added The Jewish SS sergeant and The final solution: liquidation - the Eichmann confession.

May 30, 1998 - Added A yellow star for their clothing - the Eichmann confession.

May 29, 1998 - Added profile of Walter Blume. Added Confession of Adolf Eichmann - Eichmann Tells His Own Daming Story, Introduction, The order for annihilation, and The chambers at Maidenek.

May 26, 1998 - Added profiles of Eugen Steimle and Erich Naumann.

May 23, 1998 - Added Profile of Eduard Strauch.

May 22, 1998 - Added "Memory" an essay by Talia Klein. Added another section dealing with the Kube-Strauch Controversy. Added Kube's "Cultural Milieu" dilemma.

May 20, 1998 - Added NMT II individual judgment of Eduard Strauch. Added Operational Situation No. 183. Added The Camp of the German Jews in Minsk dealing with the Kube-Strauch controversy.

May 18, 1998 - Added Yale F. Edeiken's essay An Introduction to the Einsatzgruppen.Added NMT II - The Fuehrerprinzip. Added Profile of Adolf Ott.

May 17, 1998 - Added NMT II individual judgment of Willy Seibert.

May 13, 1998 - Added section on the Einsatzgruppen and Gas Vans - Gas Vans in the Eastern Territories and Murders in the Ukraine.

May 11, 1998 - Added NMT II individual judgments of Gustav Nosske and Adolf Ott.

May 5, 1998 - Added NMT II - Simferopol.

May 1, 1998 - Added NMT II - Criminal Organizations and Crimes Against Humanity.

April 24, 1998 - Added article by Talia Klein, The Lessons of the Holocaust Have Been Lost

April 23, 1998 - Added NMT II - Non-Involvement.

April 22, 1988 - Added NMT II individual judgment of Walter Haensch. On April 6 Electric Zen received Honourable Mention in the World Wide Web category of the 23rd annual Media Human Rights Award of the League for Human Rights of B'nai Brith Canada.

April 18, 1998 - Added a section on Holocaust Denial & Antisemitism including a paper, An historian critiques the book The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews Added NMT II German Precedent on Superior Orders Doctrine and judgment of Werner Braune.


April 16, 1998 - Added NMT II individual judgments of Eugen Steimle and Ernst Biberstein.

April 13, 1998 - Added NMT II Superior Orders Defense Must Establish Ignorance of Illegality and Duress Needed for Plea of Superior Orders. Added individual judgment of Walter Blume.

April 12, 1998 - Added NMT II Death of Non-Combatants by Bombing and the judgment of Franz Six.

April 10, 1998 - Added the argument of Superior Orders from NMT II Case 9, the opening page on Individual Judgments and the judgment of Paul Blobel. Added Operational Situation Report USSR No. 156.

April 7, 1998 - Added NMT II Individual Judgments for Erich Naumann and Erwin Schultz.

April 5, 1998 - Added NMT II Case 9 sections dealing with Partisans and Reprisals. Added Individual judgment of Heinz Jost.

April 4, 1998 - Added the route taken by Einsatzgruppe D. Added statement by Adolf Hitler on his plans for the Jews. Added a home page for Ken Lewis.

April 3, 1998 - Added NMT II Case 9, Individual judgment 'Otto Ohlendorf.'

March 30, 1998 - Added the route taken by Einsatzgruppen A , B, and C. Added a map of gas van operations carried out by the Einsatzgruppen.

March 28, 1998 - Added a section on Nazi anti-Semitic Propaganda Posters. Added a link to The Holocaust History Project Added NMT II Case 9, International Law Applied to Individual Wrong-Doers. and Self Defense and Necessity and Mass Killings for Ideological Reasons Added the English translation of the Letter to Rauff from the SS Reich Security Main Office.

March 23, 1998 - Added scans of Letter to Rauff from the SS Reich Security Main Office.

March 22, 1998 - Added NMT II Case 9, The Law, Jurisdiction.

March 21, 1998 - Added NMT II Case 9 Methods of Execution

March 19, 1998 - Added Operational Situation Report USSR No. 178 and 179.

March 14, 1998 - Added NMT II Case 9 Appropriation of Personal Effects and Valuables. and Prisoners of War.

March 13, 1998 - Added NMT II Case 9 Instigation to Pogroms.

March 12, 1998 - Added NMT II Case 9 Employment as Labor Before Execution.

March 11, 1998 - Added NMT II Case 9 The Magnitude of the Enterprise.

March 9, 1998 - Added NetMind It, an automatic URL change notification service. You may now be notified by email whenever this page has changed. Simply click on the button above.

March 8, 1998 - Added Operational Situation Report USSR. No. 177. Added Military Tribunal II Case 9 "Einsatzgruppen." Added Operational Situation Report USSR. No. 176.

March 4, 1998 - Added Operational Situation Reports No.'s 164 and 175.

March 1, 1998 - Transcription of Military Tribunal II Case 9 (The United States vs. Otto Ohlendorf) Opinion and judgment of the Tribunal has begun. Added the Opening Page, Charges in the Indictment, and Authenticity of the Reports.

February 5, 1998 - Market Tek has given us their Design Award.

January 29, 1998 - Added the testimony of Otto Ohlendorf.

January 25, 1998 - Added Operation Situation Reports USSR No. 78 and 157.

January 20, 1998 - Webnet Webrating has awarded us 3 Stars.

January 19, 1998 - Added orginal scans of the Jäger Report.

January 18, 1998 - Added Operational Situation Report USSR No. 129. Two more awards have been added to our Awards page.

January 14, 1998 - We have been given two awards: Syop's Award For Excellence and Artistic Reality has given us their .Cool Reality .Cool Award.

January 11, 1998 - We have received a Wetwired Approved Site award. Added distribution list for Operational Situation Report USSR No. 128. Added Operational Situation Report USSR No. 153.

January 10, 1998 - Added Summary of Operational Situation Reports for Einsatzgruppe D

January 4, 1998 - Added statement of Truck-Driver Hofer Describing the Murder of Jews at Babi Yar.

January 2, 1998 - Added Summary of Operational Situation Reports for Einsatzgruppe C.Added Operational Situation Report USSR No. 151

January 1, 1998 - The Einsatzgruppen Archives can now be accessed on either a West Coast or an East Coast server for faster load times.

December 30, 1997 - Added Summary of Operational Situation Reports for Einsatzgruppe A and B. Added a photograph of a mass killing by the einsatzgruppen units. Added Operational Situation Report USSR No. 150.

December 28, 1997 - The Einsatzgrupppen Archives has won an "e-sweet - best in cyberspace" award. Electric Zen is now the homepage for the Holocaust Ring.

December 23, 1997 - Added the testimony of Franz Schalling and Operational Situation Report USSR No. 149.

December 21, 1997 - Added the "Jäger" Report.

December 20, 1997 - Added Operational Situation Reports USSR No's. 148 and 191.

December 16, 1997 - Added Operational Situation Report USSR No. 143.

December 9, 1997 - Added Operational Situation Reports USSR No's. 133, 136, and 140.


Electric Zen
Ken Lewis
December 9, 1997
Rev. 1.1