
Volume VII · Page 1214
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39, page 113 of the English. I shall not put these documents to you since it is sufficient if you comment generally about the entire question. As I said, it concerns the purchase of gasoline and tetraethyl lead.

DEFENDANT BUETEFISCH: No, I had nothing to do with these things. I didn't learn of them either. These are matters that were handled directly with the government. Gentlemen of Farben probably were called in on it, but neither to the TEA, nor to the Vorstand, nor to Sparte I were reports ever made about this matter. I had nothing to do with it. 
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f. Testimony of Defendant Haefliger 
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DR. VON METZLER (counsel for defendant Haefliger) : Mr. Haefliger, I now come to the alleged collaboration on your part in connection with the hoarding of nickel, the alleged preparation of a war of aggression.* * * Would you please comment on these charges, Mr. Haefliger? Please give an explanation.

DEFENDANT HAEFLIGER: Well, I read this affidavit with you a few days ago.

Q. Mr. Haefliger, you want to refer to the affidavit which you are about to introduce?

A. Yes, that's right.

Q. In order not to burden the record too much with technical details, you are introducing an affidavit in which you sum up this matter. Your Honors, I now submit Haefliger Document 25, which Your Honors will find in book 2, on page 32, and which will now become Haefliger Defense Exhibit 17 — oh, I beg your pardon, 16.² This is an affidavit of the defendant which in the first part contains an extract from a report which will be offered in evidence as one of the Haefliger documents which follow later. The second part deals with several Prosecution Exhibits, namely Document NI-9636, Prosecution Exhibit 725;³ Document NI-7564, Prosecution Exhibit 724;4 Document NT-7563, Prosecution
¹ Further extracts from the testimony of the defendant Haefliger are reproduced above in subsection C 5c, and below in subsection N 5a, 0 7b, and in section VIII E 4, volume VIII. this series.
² Haefliger's affidavit, Haefliger Defense Exhibit 16, amounts to 36 mimeographed pages, including enclosures. In view of the length of this affidavit it is not reproduced herein. However, the conclusions made by defense counsel for Haefliger when offering this document have been included.
³ Reproduced in part in 2 above.
4 Ibid.  


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