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What's New July 24, 2013. Updated Links to add a reference to the Mazal Holoaust Library YouTube page at link 4. September 18, 2012. Updated Links to add the Polish Righteous site (see link 33). September 7, 2012. Updated Links. Some additions and deletions. April 20, 2012. Added a French translation of the article Leuchter, Rudolf and the Iron Blues, entitled Leuchter, Rudolf et les Cyanures bleus January 17, 2012. Added the essay The Wannsee Protocol: Object of Revisionist Falsification of History by THHP member Christian Mentel. This essay examines the use of the Wannsee Protocol (minutes) by Holocaust "revisionists" and deniers in their attempt to deny or minimize the Holocaust. December 19, 2011. Added an article from German historian Ernst Piper on the Final Solution, the Wannsee Conference and Alfred Rosenberg's role in it, as well as an English translation December 18, 2011. Added an essay on What Revisionism Is to complement an existing essay Why Revisionism Isn't June 6, 2011. Added A Documented Analysis of a Speech given by Fred A. Leuchter on November 10, 1991 by Harry W. Mazal, OBE. It addresses the many inconsistencies, misinterpretations, and mendacious statements made by Fred Leuchter in a November 10, 1991 presentation to a group of German right wing extremists in Weinheim, Germany. May 26, 2011. Redesigned the Short Essays page to include a section on THHP policies and positions on issues. May 26, 2011. Added a Short Essay by THHP member Rich Green on Palestinians and the Holocaust April 18, 2011. Updated our pamphlet on Holocaust denier David Irving. March 30, 2011. Added an in-depth essay by Stephen Vargas on the Wehrmacht and the Holocaust, entitled Vernichtungskrieg: Wehrmacht Complicity in the Holocaust on the Eastern Front November 20, 2010. Added a new multimedia section. We began with some gripping footage of Death Camp Liberations to include a documentary by Alfred Hitchcock. August 23, 2010. Added The 'Disappearance’ of SS-Hauptscharführer Lorenz Hackenholt. A Report on the 1959-63 West German Police Search for Lorenz Hackenholt, the Gas Chamber Expert of the Aktion Reinhard Extermination Camps by Michael Tregenza July 8, 2010. Added a link to Online Memorial Sites Forum. See item 34 at Links. March 14, 2010. Added a Short Essay entitled When did the Holocaust Begin? January 23, 2010. Updated the Links page. See item 1 under "Official Sites of Camp Museums". November 17, 2009. Added the essay Gisella Perl: Angel and Abortionist in the Auschwitz Death Camp by Anne S. Reamey. October 16, 2009. Added a rebuttal to the misleading ads being placed by Holocaust denier Bradley Smith in college newspapers May 29, 2009. Added an essay by THHP member Miloslav Bilik on the Struthof-Natzweiler camp and the experiments carried out there. The essay is in French and English. See also the reproduction of the Klarsfeld Foundation book The Struthof Album by Jean-Claude Pressac. April 26, 2009. Added a report entitled The Ruins of the Gas Chambers: A Forensic Investigation of Crematoriums at Auschwitz I and Auschwitz-Birkenau by Daniel Keren, Harry W. Mazal and Jamie McCarthy which proves not only that the holes existed but shows where they are. This report first appeared in Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Oxford University Press, Volume 18, Number 1, Spring 2004, pages 68-103. and is reproduced with permission. March 23, 2009. Added a detailed analysis by THHP member Harry W. Mazal of Bishop Richard Williamson's public statements. March 19, 2009. Updated the Links page. See item 34. February 14, 2009. The card index of a vast library of books on the Holocaust, War Crimes, and antisemitism belonging to one of our members is now on line. It is possible to search by Title, Author, Subject and Keyword. This is an on-going project that will be updated monthly to incorporate new titles. January 25, 2009. Added the essay August Hirt: Deadly Collector of the Victims of the Holocaust, by Anne S. Reamey January 17, 2009. Verdicts in several key trials in Germany in the 1950s and 1960s that contain numerous references to the Final Solution. The documents are in German and are:
January 10, 2009. Updated the Klarsfeld section on the Main Page November 8, 2008. Updated the Links page. See item 33. August 23, 2008. Added Genesis of the six million figure and Meaning of "Holocaust survivor" to Quick Facts on the Holocaust page July 17, 2008. Added a reproduction of the Klarsfeld Foundation book The Struthof Album by Jean-Claude Pressac. It is a study of the Gassing at Natzweiler-Struthof of 86 Jews whose bodies were to constitute a collection of skeletons, and is now linkable off the Beate Klarsfeld Foundation page. July 13, 2008. Added a reproduction of the Klarsfeld Foundation book French Children of the Holocaust. It is a heart-wrenching depiction of the cruel treatment that the Nazis inflicted on innocent French Children. It is now linkable off the Beate Klarsfeld Foundation page. April 27, 2008. Added a reproduction of the Klarsfeld Foundation book The Holocaust and Neo-Nazi Mythomania. It consists of two studies — "The Launching of the Final Solution of the Jewish Question" and "Reply to the Neo-Nazi Falsification of Historical Facts Concerning the Holocaust." It is now linkable off the Beate Klarsfeld Foundation page. April 12, 2008. Added a reproduction of Klarsfeld Foundation book Wherever They May Be, the autobiography of Beate Klarsfeld. It is linkable off the Beate Klarsfeld Foundation page. April 12, 2008. Added a section on reproductions of various seminal Holocaust books by the Beate Klarsfeld Foundation. February 25, 2008. Added Crematorium capacity to Quick Facts on the Holocaust page February 12, 2008. Added The Reconstruction of Belzec , an aerial photographic reconstruction of the Belzec Death Camp by Alex Bay. January 18, 2008. Updated questions and answers. January 18, 2008. Added "Jews declared war on Germany?" to Quick Facts on the Holocaust page. January 13, 2008. Added "ausrotten" to Quick Facts on the Holocaust page. January 7, 2008. Introduced a handy reference service to readers called Quick Facts on the Holocaust. This section will be constantly updated and expanded. November 18, 2007. Added a detailed analysis of the Einsatzgruppen Reports by Nick Terry August 21, 2007. The Guest Book and Question and Answer services are again available following some site maintenance. June 25, 2007. Updated the Links page. See item 32. May 14, 2007. Added an essay by Andrew Mathis addressing Ingrid Weckert's comments on the Reichkristallnacht April 2, 2007. Added an essay by the journalist Sven Felix Kellerhoff on the extent of Albert Speer's knowledge of the Final Solution. March 23, 2007. Added an essay on the composition and structure of Zyklon-B, the gas used at Auschwitz to kill Jews, by Harry W. Mazal OBE. March 5, 2007. Updated the Links page. See item 31. February 14, 2007. Added an essay on jurisdictional issues around the International Military Tribunal by Ralf P.Loserth. January 29, 2007. Added the third translation of the Kolthoff-Meyer series from October 22, 2006. January 28, 2007. Added the second translation of the Kolthoff-Meyer series from October 22, 2006 January 28, 2007. Updated the Links page. See item 30. January 28, 2007.. Added the first translation of the Kolthoff-Meyer series from October 22, 2006. January 27, 2007. Added an essay by Eugene Holman on David Irving's overall incompetence. October 22, 2006. Added a series of articles (in German - translations to follow) on the death toll in Auschwitz, arising from an article in the journal Osteuropa. Thanks to Fritjof Meyer, Sven Felix Kellerhoff and THHP member Albrecht Kolthoff for permission to reproduce this material. September 17, 2006. Updated the Links page. September 17, 2006. Added Uprising in Treblinka, the testimony of Treblinka survivor Samuel Rajzman. Thanks to Andrew Mathis for the transcription. June 10, 2006. Added a secrecy oath sworn by participants in the Operation Reinhard extermination camps. May 22, 2006. Updated the question and answer essay on denial and deniers. May 5, 2006. Added an extensive and fully annotated essay on the Treblinka death camp entitled Final Destination Treblinka. Thanks to Stephen Potyondi for the essay. May 2, 2006. Added a quick hit question and answer essay addressing Holocaust deniers and denial. March 7, 2006. Added the news release Trial By Fire: Holocaust History Project Won't Be Silenced following an arson attack on the offices of The Holocaust History Project. January 19, 2006. Added essay and article on General Semantics and Holocaust Denial that analyzes the "arguments" of Holocaust deniers using the principles of general semantics. January 7, 2006. Added Short Essay on the infamous Majdanek concentration/extermination camp near Lublin in Poland. January 4, 2006. Updated Links page. November 20, 2005. Updated Links page. November 17, 2005. Updated the Short Essay on Finding Friends and Family August 29, 2005. Added an essay that examines the use of multiple identities (or nyms) by Holocaust deniers, in this case, Germar Rudolf. July 31, 2005. Added a Short Essay on Odilo Globocnik, the head of the Operation Reinhard death camps. July 23, 2005. Added the complete text of Dr. Robert Jay Lifton's brilliant and horrifying book The Nazi Doctors: Medical Killing and the Psychology of Genocide, courtesy of Dr. Lifton and Sara Salzman. December 23, 2004. Added the complete text of Jean-Claude Pressac's famous book Auschwitz: Technique and Operation of the Gas Chambers, courtesy of the Beate Klarsfeld Foundation and Harry W. Mazal OBE. December 16, 2004. Added a document dated September 8, 1942 by Topf engineer Karl Prüfer stating that, even though the Auschwitz cremation capacity could be quickly increased to 2650 a day, that was still not enough and Topf had to "deliver more ovens as quickly as possible". October 5, 2004. Added a statement about an attack on the Holocaust History Project, and the fact that we are still online. September 18, 2004. Updated questions and answers. August 28, 2004. Added an article from Die Welt newspaper, along with English translation, on the report by three THHP contributors dealing with the holes in the roofs of Crematoriums II and III at Auschwitz-Birkenau that was published in the journal Holocaust and Genocide Studies. June 12, 2004. Added Holocaust Denial as defined in the book Conspiracy Theories in American History: An Encyclopedia. March 16, 2004. Added Heinrich Himmler's Oct. 4, 1943 Speech at Poznan. February 4, 2004. Added: Short Essay on the pivotal Wannsee Conference. January 14, 2004. Added new section on the extermination camps of Belzec, Treblinka and Sobibor. January 3, 2004. Updated questions and answers. December 28, 2003. Added new section on War Crimes Tribunals. These essays, opinions and trial transcripts will deal with the trial and punishment of the war criminals that directed and carried out the brutal Nazi Holocaust. December 7, 2003. Updated questions and answers. December 1, 2003. Added new section on Eyewitness Accounts and Family Histories. These essays will deal with the Holocaust as seen through the eyes of those who experienced it, survived it or know those who did. November 23, 2003. Added: Short Essay on the events of Kristallnacht. November 15, 2003. Added: Short Essay on the contents and significance of the Nuremberg Laws. November 1, 2003. Updated questions and answers. October 25, 2003. Added: Short Essay on the meaning and significance of the expression "final solution of the Jewish question." October 25, 2003. Added: Short Essay "Who was Julius Streicher?" Julius Streicher was one of Hitler's earliest and most loyal supporters, Streicher's real significance was as the publisher of the infamous tabloid newspaper Der Stürmer (literally, the "Stormer"). September 27, 2003. Added: "Who Is Ernst Zundel?" His supporters are long on generalities about what Ernst Zundel stands for but short on specifics. This short pamphlet will show, in Ernst Zundel's own words, the evil philosophy which motivates him and the mindless hatred he espouses. It is presented in a PDF format which we encourage others to download, reprint and distribute. September 27, 2003. Added: "Who Is David Irving?" Several years ago we produced a small flyer exposing David Irving as a racist, a liar, and a fraud. Fuming, Irving sputtered that it was all lies, but he was unable to point to a single mistake. Time has passed and Irving has been unable to remain silent.. We have added a new pamphlet to include some choice examples of David Irving's most recent bigoted remarks and what some courts have said about him. It is presented in a PDF format which we encourage others to download, reprint and distribute. June 10, 2003. Added The Reconstruction of Treblinka , an aerial photographic reconstruction of the Treblinka Death Camp by Alex Bay. March 10, 2003. Upgraded our network bandwidth to a full 1.5Mbps T1. This will allow you to download our pages twice as fast as before! March 8, 2003. Added Dene Bebbington's Rebuttal of Faurisson on the Anne Frank Diary. Robert Faurisson's flawed attempt to pass Anne Frank's Diary off as a forgery is critically debunked. October 13, 2002. Added The Jaeger Report (9 pages), Written by SS-Standartenführer (Colonel) Karl Jaeger, commander of one of the "Einsatzkommandos" (EK 3), it provides a very detailed account of the murderous rampage of this "special squad" in Nazi-occupied USSR, and proudly documents 137,346 murders. September 6, 2002. Added: The Essay "The IHR at the Crossroads". The IHR was founded to provide a facade of fraudulent scholarship to the propagation of traditional anti-Semitic materials. This essay examines how it fused traditional anti-Semitism with an attempt to rehabilitate the reputation of the Third Reich. It demonstrates that, beset with financial problems, the IHR began to look to the Middle East for the support it could not find in the U.S. July 26, 2002. Added: David Irving's attempts to sway the High Court of Appeals. This action failed dismally when the so-called expert reports he had presented as new evidence were hurriedly withdrawn by his barrister. The Expert Witness reports presented on behalf of Prof. Deborah Lipstadt completely demolished Irving's mendacious plea. July 26, 2002. Added Judge Sedley's devastating Opinion in which he endorsed Judge Gray's decision and refused Irving's request for appeal. June 6, 2002. Added the Affidavit produced by renowned scholar Robert Jan Van Pelt presented to the High Court in London to counter David Irving's last gasp attempt to appeal the ruling against him in his failed libel suit against Prof. Deborah Lipstadt. April 5, 2002. Added Harry W. Mazal's Critical Review of an affidavit submitted by Mrs. Zoe Polanska Palmer on behalf of David Irving in his recently failed lawsuit against Prof. Deborah Lipstadt. February 11, 2002. Added the Short Essay Who was Anne Frank? February 4, 2002. Updated questions and answers. August 12, 2001. David Irving is a Holocaust denier residing in the UK who recently sued Deborah Lipstadt for libel and lost. We now have an index organizing material about David Irving. August 12, 2001. Added Rich Green's Expert Report submitted in support of Deborah Lipstadt's defense in David Irving's lawsuit against her. July 29, 2001. Added a new short essay, Where to find photos of the Holocaust on the Internet. May 27, 2001. Added Brian Harmon's essay, See No Evil: John Ball's Blundering Air Photo Analysis. February 10, 2001. Added the English translation of The Stroop Report, a German document proudly describing the destruction of the Warsaw Ghetto. February 3, 2001. Updated questions and answers. December 30, 2000. Updated questions and answers. December 2, 2000. Added the consent agreement in which holocaust denier Fred Leuchter admits he is not an engineer and nevertheless represented himself as such. October 8, 2000. Updated questions and answers. September 24, 2000. Updated questions and answers. September 9, 2000.Added John Zimmerman's essay My Response to Carlo Mattogno and a supporting document Cremation at Gusen: A Timesheet. August 5, 2000. Updated questions and answers. July 28, 2000. Added a postscript to the article Chemistry is not the Science addressing Germar Rudolf's inadequate response to that article. June 25, 2000. Updated questions and answers. May 29, 2000. Updated questions and answers. May 16, 2000. Added Gord McFee's essay Where Did David Irving Go Wrong? Updated questions and answers. May 15, 2000. Added a new section on CODOH including:
Added a letter from Joel Hayward. April 30, 2000. Updated questions and answers. April 11, 2000. Added information and links about Irving's failed libel suit to the front page; added Yale Edeiken's essay series Irving's War. March 12, 2000. Updated questions and answers. Linked information about making donations to THHP. February 13, 2000. Added more questions and answers. February 1, 2000. Added the essay Are the Jews Central to the Holocaust by Gordon McFee. Also added a list of selected links to other sites. January 15, 2000. Added A Study of the Cyanide Compounds Content In The Walls Of The Gas Chambers in the Former Auschwitz and Birkenau Concentration Camps by Jan Markiewicz, Wojciech Gubala, Jerzy Labedz with a foreword by Richard J. Green. December 7, 1999. Added more questions and answers. October 21, 1999. Added Dr. William Samelson's essay Holocaust Denial: Truth or Hoax? October 18, 1999. Added Dr. László Karsai's essay Photographs Documenting the Holocaust in Hungary. October 15, 1999. Added Mark Van Alstine's Response to the Johannesburg Citizen, in which he answers the questions of a Holocaust-denier. October 12, 1999. Added Prof. John Zimmerman's essay Body Disposal at Auschwitz: The End of Holocaust-Denial. September 4, 1999. Added more questions and answers. June 4, 1999. Added information about our team of volunteers. June 1, 1999. Added two Short Essays. May 20, 1999. Added essay by Götz Aly and its translation: December 12, 1941. May 16, 1999. Added three Short Essays. May 2, 1999. Added the essay Chemistry is Not the Science, a detailed analysis of dishonesty and errors in the work of Holocaust-denial's leading chemist, Germar Rudolf. Also added several related works:
March 6, 1999. Updated the pamphlet Who is David Irving? March 1, 1999. Added Diary of Johann Paul Kremer. February 27, 1999. Added "Delousing Van": Euphemism for Murder. Also added Second Response to 'Samuel Crowell'. February 18, 1999. Added Yale Edeiken's essay The Forensic Sins of Carlos Porter. February 14, 1999. Added the essay Stroop on Treblinka. Added several documents/reproductions:
February 6, 1999. Added "Gassing Devices" (Nuremberg Document NO-365, letter from Wetzel to Lohse). January 15, 1999. Added eight wartime documents concerning Auschwitz. January 3, 1999. Added Gord McFee's collection of quotations: In the Nazis' Words. January 2, 1999. We've added a great deal of new material today:
December 1998. Added How Reliable are the Höss Memoirs?, The "Wolzek" Paradox, and reply to Germar Rudolf. November 1998. Added more questions and answers, and updated The Chemistry of Auschwitz. October 1998. Added Volume 3 and part of Volume 11 of the blue series, Leuchter, Rudolf and the Iron Blues, questions and answers, and Hitler's Reichstag speech. September 1998. Added three Short Essays, Why "Revisionism" Isn't, and Dr. Stig Hornshøj-Møller's work on Der ewige Jude ("The Eternal Jew"). June 1998. Added two more Short Essays. May 1998. Added four Short Essays, An Introduction to the Einsatzgruppen, and The Dachau Gas Chambers. April 1998. Added pamphlet: Who is David Irving? March 25, 1998. The site opened today. We suggest bookmarking this page or otherwise noting when it changes. | |||
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Last modified: December 28, 2010