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These are comments left by visitors to the Holocaust History Project web site, in the month of December, 2000. Hi, I am 14 years old and I live in Missouri. If there is a Holocaust survivor who could e-mail me or something. Please do!!! I would love to learn more!
Let me just say. Thank you for this EXCELLENT web site. TO ALL MANKIND PLEASE THINK! AND NEVER FORGET......
I have since I can remember known about the gas chambers etc and for family reasons thought that the ony good German was a dead one. However as the years progress my feelings towards the death of my father and other members of my family do not change but the perspective alters He (my farther) was not a Jew but a fighter pilot in the RAF he was no different to any other human being and I would wish that the present Jewish race will give all other human beings the freedon that they have been denied for centuries. Stop the killing PLEASE
I came to this site to do some reasarch for a project I had and I went to the guest book basically because I was interested in what other people were saying. Though I had no idea what so ever that so many people had such appalling things to say about Jews and other groups. I would like to think that the holocaust has taught us somehting about discrimination, but I was sadly dissaponted by the whitepower messages. How can you sit there and discriminate against a race, when your race has also undergone suffering? Every race, religion and sexual preference have been discrminated upon at some time by some person. Why do you feel you must continue to hate. This is an amazing website that is loaded with information. Thank you and keep up the good work.
This site is wonderfully presented! Thank you for the time, memories, and I am sure tears that went into preparing this website. I just can not understand the horrible things that various people have said about this site, and the people who survived, and the people who did not. We need to learn from the mistakes our predecessors made, not repeat them over and over.
my family was lost in the war they tood them all never forget
Very important to remember, so that humankind do not commit the same again. I would be grateful for anyone who have quotes from survivors such as primo levi as to why it is important to remember those atrocities, if they can send them to my email. One question remains though, another crime against humanity, slavery, why has the world forgotten about it??
First, this is excellent. The Internet is where people these days are turung for information and and it is important that they get it from a reliable source. I want to say thank you for all the pictures and essays that you have taken the time to put up. I've always been facinated with the Holocaust. I started reading about it when I was nine and I haven't stopped since. Thank you forgiving me another way to learn about it. I appauld your effort. Once again, thank you.
I think this web site is great because it tourt me things i never knew.
think this is a great web-site
It is importnat to remeber what extreemism and religious and political fundamentalism actually means. there is no escape form the fact, that the human race when motivated by it's basic instincts is capable of appaling barbarism. As we now in a new millenia, we should do our utmost to prevent holocaust's
"I do not like Hitler for what he has done".
I haven't really looked at the web site, but I think I will be able to find some info from it. My school is doing a project on the holocaust and studing it. I am astonished at what some people wrote!! This web site is here to educate us and make us, (meaning people all over the world) see why this shouldn't happen again. This site was designed for poeple to learn from not diss at. Some people as myself wish this awful human disaster never would have happened, and alot of poeple don't even know that hitler was even part Jewish, and he killed his own family. So I just want to say that I feel sorry for those poeple that wrote bad things in here, who are not educated on life. Enough about that, I have learned a lot about this topic and will have the chance to meet a survior. If you could help me with info of Terezin survivors, and the camp. Also any info. on Dietrich Bonhoeffer, I glady thank anyone with HELPFUL info., not junk. Thanks Belvona!!!
I found the site quite useful, thank you for your help and concern that you provided in this sensitive subject.
This site was very interesting but an improvement that could be more helpful for the site is to add some more pictures.
Hello, I am doing a report for my 11th grade history class and I thought that you were very goos in what yoy wrote, but when it came to pictures, well, I was grossed out. I love to learn more and more about the Holocaust, and I allready know what a terrible time it was, so I do not need to see those horrid photos of the dead. Thank You
i'm doing a research project on the holocaust for 8th grade and i have been reading books about survivors,talking to some of my jewish friends,setting up an interview with a survivor and doing as much as possible to learn everything about this subject.this website has shown me alot of information and the storied have touched me.when i went to the holocaust musueum last winter i cried on every floor and i wanted to just go and set flowers on every grave in germany and everywhere the holocaust took place.if you are a survivor and read this you have my deepest sympathy and then to those who didn't survive i pray every night for you and that you found peace.
Hello, i am doing a project on the holocaust museum for an eighth grade project. I am going to d.c. in may and these projects are to let us see what is ahead of our journey. If you could, i would like to have some information about the Holocaust Museum, like when it was built, why was it built there where was it built and who built it. If you could, please send information to my email addy. Thank you for your time.
The jews are all a bunch of DIRTY FUCKING JEWS.
you suck you suck you suck
i dont have any
The Holocaust was a very sad thing
What a great job!!. La mejor manera de superar el miedo y la angustia creo que es hablar de todo cuanto nos duele en el alma, y nuestro corazón parece estallar al recordarlo...Y aunque duele, es un paso en el Camino. I am proud of you, all of you who never wanted to be survivors and supermen or superwomen, who just wanted to live your own simple lifes. Now, then and forever. I love you. Don't hide your eyes. Never. And then you will win. No matter what. Many kisses. Go on!!! I am spanish, another grandson of a republican man who face the Franco's ideas of a New World.
Thank you for opening my eyes. I have read much on both sides of the debate, what an excellent page.
How can people still be so ignorant as to write such horrible comments, have we learned nothing...no I guess not. Lord forgive us all.
Thankyou very much for the info. It proved highly useful in embarrassing a completely incompetent refuter. Trust me when I say he looked stupid. Keep up the good work.
Let me just say, this site is great.. however all of you people signing the guestbook with comments of rage need to check yourselves. You know nothing but the backyard of your own predjudice fortresses... and if you never get out into the real world then you deserve to believe what you say because if you don't know what your talking about and you insist on being ignorant then good for you, just don't bring it out on everyone else. JEWS FOR LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was directed to your web site on the Holocaust denial as there is a new founded naitionalist party here in Iceland. They had a guestbook, such as you have, but as I couldn't put enough of my mockery on their site, I made them start a bulletin board. I hope I wasn´t badly advised. I'm happy to say, however, that all goes well on the northern front and the "injured party" is going bunkers at my well reserved epigrams. Nazism in Iceland is much ridiculed here and these little Hitlers and Goebbels get their due of ridicule. I was really scared by reading about the Holocaust denial in America, God's own country! I hope Jews manage to shake off their nasty flea bites and carry on as before. Best regards, Thordur
There is just one question running through my mind. How can you hate a race so much and think yours is all better then the other one. I am american, but I dont think that I am better than any one else. Put your hat aside, and look at the bigger picture, all of the death. Who can kill an innocent person and sleep at night???
This is an awsome web page to fund information on the Holocaust. It helped me on a report in Langue Arts class.
Very nice!!!
I had an aunt who was with HIAS @ Bergen Belsen just after liberation- anyone connected please write me- I have lots of notes, memorabelia, etc- this is something never written about- thanks Cary Greenberg
Thanks for the info. Needed it for a project.
Firstly, I just want to say that basically, people are being really stupid and writing things like "ALL JEWS MUST DIE" However, there is one thing pissing me off about fucking jews. And that is the fact that the holocaust happened a long long time ago, when Hitler ruled. I mean if you jews are gonna fucking sit there being all like "*sob* *sob* I am so upset about the holocaust...sob sob, splutter sniff" GET A GRIP...... I am from Lebanon......4 of my cousins died in Qana by Israeli Jews. My 2 best friends died in Qana caused my israeli Jews. But oh no, because they wern't put in a concentration camp and were burnt alive it doesn't matter. Well you know what it does. For god sake...all you fucking jews wake up and smell the bacon (dont eat it because you might go to hell but smell it) Anyways....thats all I have to say Saz
I came to this site 4 a project.
I would just like to say what a wonderful job you people have been doing in putting this project together. I hope that you will do more projects like this in the future.
This a nicely maintained, easy to use web site. You provide a great deal of information and experiences. -Leighton (llv class)
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Currently discussing with a revisionist, calling himself Staunton, in the newsgroup rec.games.chess.misc, of all places.
screw you this site sucks I can't get shit off this site because you fucking suck I know why they kicked your jew asses in WRII because your all dumbasses think SMART not dumb and don't ever try to act all american and shit your not american your jewish so fucking act like it and be quiet HAIL HITLER!!!!!!
Fucking jews, fucking multiply like fucking rabbits, the fucking nazis did us a fucking favor. FUck britain too, they try and fuck us over and we win, then we save their fucking ass in fucking WWII, fuck jews, fuck britain, fuck this.
I wish Hitler had killed all you fucking Jews. African-Americans would not be suffering as much. The ADL knows this is the truth.
i need more info damn it you Fxxkers
Help, I am looking for a survival that is willing to talk via e-mail with my eighth grade social studies class and me. We would like to know how life is now, how are you affected by the memories. What are you doing in life now?
This was an amazing site. I just ask the people running this site to give me one last bit of help. Is it possible for you to get me information such as the address, email address, or telephone number of anyone who has survived the experiments of the psychotic docter, Josef Mengele?
This page SUCKS I need information not crap u idiots. I'll never be back you can count on that!!!!! u fucked people. u suck yourselves
Hi, I just want to find more information about the medical experiments the were preformed during the Holocaust.
I had to do a project on the Holocaust and I found so much info on this site Thank you so much
Hi I'm thirteen years old and I was just doing some research on children of the holocaust for this major project I'm working on.I've found so much information on the Holocaust and I think that I've grown very much because now I know what really happened during the holocaust.I can't beleive that people can be so full of hatred and cold-hearted its so wrong.So many people were murdered not just Jewish people but Gypsies, and Homosexuals.All because of what they beleived in that is just horrible.Well everyone is different and no one will ever be the same.
great subject and wed site.
This site is pretty cool. I'm using it for info. on a Holocaust project I'm doing for school. Thanx for the help!
E' ricordando i nostri errori che saremo in grado di non ripeterli.... - Only recalling our mistakes we 'll be able to not commit them again.. - Giovanna
It is time to give up the Allied Propaganda lie of the gassings. It simply supports a killer state, as bad as Nazi Germany - Israel. I read through the arguments, here, and I am ashamed that the majority of them are based on personal attacks, appeals to authority, suppression of evidence, confusion of issues, and a religious zeal to maintain a new religion of pity us oh world, with the coffers flowing gold. The truth always wins out over time, and as the slow and sleeping American public awakens to being duped, which is right around the corner, the waves of anti-Semitism released here, along with the Arab world, could make Europe look like a Sunday school picnic. The sympatric media cannot keep this heinous lie going much longer until the pick pocketing of America is discovered. One seems to forget that there are 50 million American Ethnic Germans, and very quietly for the last few years there has been an awakening rolling silently over the country. This group of people has been suppressed and quite for ninety years now. They have watched the Jewish success story in America and are quietly emulating it. Politics is governed by a strange wind; in a month what took years to build can be washed away leaving a leveled mud flat. Money cannot buy a democratic Government all the time, a Federalism is breaking apart. Be careful, read History, and change; or have it repeated again.
I had to read the book Anee Frank at school. It was very moving. so i decided to look further in to the holocaust. And now that i read article after article i seem to have a tear run down my face.
I'm a 14 year old girl from Pennsylvania,USA and have been interested yet discusted with the Holocaust since I was 10. I am so thankful to have been of this generation. My roots go back to Italy and Ireland; both sides of the family being Roman Catholic. If I belonged to a generation or two ahead of me, I could have been one of those unfortunates that didn't succeed with surviving the gruesome Holocaust!!! I think about this very much and it disturbs me to see the horrific photos and read the equally horrific tales or those who came, saw, and did not conquer. Thank you for posting this website that outreaches to the ignorant who know little about the Holocaust.
Always remember so that it can never happen ever again. When we remember we love.
An excellent archive site.
about how many jews died in the result of the holocaust?
It happened. Atrocities were committed. Your site is important and informing so the people of today can find out what happened. Atrocities are still being committed against mankind even today as I write this. The world will never be free from cruelty. It is important for us to be made aware of man's inhumanity to others. The dangers of rising dictatorships. The hunger for power at any cost. And the adulation of the masses for their corrupt leaders. That is how it all started in Germany and mainly because at first the people were being employed in the war machine factories and were no longer hungry or unemployed. In the depression years of the thirties people were hurting too. They turned a blind eye to Hitler's gradual take over. I really don't think the average german could have realised the magnitude of the holocaust. They were caught up in Hitler's avarice. Yes, it all happened and it is of no use saying it didn't.
Thank you for buildng this site. I am working in school on a project, and this is the most informative website I have found.
i think that some people are tring to keep use for making the same mistakes twice, by letting people know what happened and how we can stop it from happining any more
I am currently doing a project on life during the holocaust especially from the point of view as a Jew.So I would be thankful if any who has information on life during the holocaust and especially from any surviviors, thankyou
This pape was extereamly heplful thanks,
Im a currently working on a research paper for my English10 class and would appreciate it if you can send me information about the Lebensborn story. thanks
Thank you for creating and maintaining this excellent web site. Please consider linking with the web site Cordially, Egon Mayer, Ph.D. Director Center for Jewish Studies Graduate School of the City University of New York 365 Fifth Avenue New York, N.Y. 10016
Thank you for taking the time to research the Holocaust so that those of us who want to know what really happened, may learn. I cannot say that this has made it easier to deal with the Holocaust. In truth I don't think that we should be able to deal with it. What happended to the people was horrible and it makes me realize how lucky I am to be living where I do and in the circumstances I am in. Thank you for humbling me.
A very informative site that I found extremely useful in writing an essay on the origins of the Holocaust, and Hitler's role in it. Thanks.
I think your website is very heplful for people who do not know anything about the Holocaust and for people who already know and seek further information. May God bless you, survivors of the Holocaust, and descendants.
This site was quite interesting and served its purpose well, as well as it being moving it was accurate and informative. Just want to say thanks for the usefull info
I have one cuestion, who of the nazis read this can you sign, I hate them(nazis) but I WANT TO KNOW what they can tell in their defense, I just wanted to say thanks for all of the paper ideas this page provided me. The Holocaust is such a broad topic, it was hard for me to narrow the subject down to a short paper without eliminating pertinant info. Thanks again!
I found your site very interesting and useful, but I believe many could benefit more from more model essays based on titles from A level, GCSE and degree courses. Thanks anyway.
Thank you for the creation of this site. I am a high school teacher and beginning a unit on The Holocaust. I know that the information made available to me will be very useful in providing a well informed introduction to my students. God bless you for bringing the truth.
I Believe the information will be very usefual for my presentation.
Your website proved to be usefull for my reasearch. THANKS!!
I'm a ninth grade student in an international school in Saudi Arabia. My Dad is in The Air force. Recently, my world history teacher assigned us indepedent research projects, and i chose the Holocaust. Let me just say that i can't believe how you could kill so many people for no logical reason and still live with yourself. Just seeing some of the things that happened in pics. and video clips are horrible. I would love to know as much as possible. This site was wonderful. Thanks ~jackie
Well from what i have seen this website has put together a lot of information about the Holocaust that covers all views and opinions. It's a shame that some people see this as a bad thing.When one person dies, there is a memorial, so when six million die, could anything less be done? As for Hitler, anyone who thinks he is less than Satan should really begin questioning their own morals. He may have been just a man, but he also caused the death of millions of people, not just the Jews, but also all the people who faught in the war. Whether he truly was responsible for the death camps is debatable, but he was still the one who inspired his followers to kill.
I think it is incredible ignorant that people write in and discriminate against this website. To Mr. Jackass who wrote in on December 30th you are an idiot who is a waste of space in this world. I hope later on in life you grow up and realize the pain and suffering that the Jewish community had to overcome. You should burn in hell. This website is wonderful and has helped me greatly with many projects.
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Last modified: April 8, 2001