The national socialist propagandafilm "The Eternal Jew" (Der ewige Jude) is probably the single source, which in the clearest way demonstrates the hatred of Nazism towards the Jews. It shows in word, picture and sound exactly what it was, that Adolf Hitler and Joseph Goebbels wanted the German public to associate with the word "Jew".
The film is prohibited to show in Germany, but can be easily bought through neo-nazi networks, which use it as "cultfilm". It can also be bought quite legally in the US, where it is covered by the First Ammendment.
Apart from beeing an excellent and yet most shocking example of the way, genocidal mentatlity can be created by means of "reality-like" media, "The Eternal Jew" is also one of the most manipulated film ever made. This is documented in the (German) source-critical documentation "Der ewige Jude", which everybody interested can obtain FOR FREE by simply ordering it from
Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung,
Postfach 1369,
D-53 003 Bonn,
On this web-site there exist several scholarly papers concerning the film and its historical significance.
Stig Hornshøj-Møller
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The Fuehrer Myth
The book of the Fuehrer-Myth has now been sold in more than 10.000 copies in Denmark, and there are negotiations going on concerning translations into English and into German, but for the moment there only exists a short description and a few key chapters of the book in English.Essay on The Fuehrer Myth
An essay on the methodology behind the source-critical analysis of the propagandafilm "The Eternal Jew" and the historical consequences of making use of this source for one of the most disputed issues on contemporary history: The decision-making process, that led to the Holocaust.Paper presented at Yale University, October, 1998
This paper is my latest scholarly presentation and puts the results of my research into a principal genocide studies' perspective. It particularly deals with the role of media in creating - and counteracting - genocidal mentality.Paper presented at Millersville, April, 1998
Should we, who favor a democratic society, really still be so scared of an almost sixty-year-old hate-picture, that we pretend that it does not exist - and thus in practice leave it to those whose racism it confirms and strengthens?
Should we not instead dare to use the film actively, as part of Holocaust education, and dare to demonstrate the authentic poison in it in order to vaccinate future generations?Paper given at the Imperial War Museum, London, November 1997
"Der ewige Jude" ... gives us an X-ray of the legitimization of the Holocaust and challenges us individually with the uncomfortable moral question: What would you have done? How do you react to atrocities today, which you can follow almost live on television?Paper presented at Montreal, June, 1997
The paper presents a core summary of my Danish book "The Führer-Myth: Adolf Hitler, Joseph Goebbels and the History Behind a Genocide." It argues the importance of a Nazi propaganda film, "Der ewige Jude," which is characterized as an X-ray of the decision-making process that led to the Holocaust.... The paper furthermore argues that the film can be seen as the official promulgation of Hitler's decision, and that it - together with the feature film Jud Süß - deliberately was used to prepare both perpetrators and bystanders for the extermination of the Jews.Paper presented at the 27th Annual Scholars' Conference on the Holocaust and the Churches, Florida, March, 1997
The paper discusses the possibilities and dangers of using authentic Nazi anti-Semitic film propaganda as a means of teaching the reasons behind the Holocaust.
It argues that [Der ewige Jude] had a major impact on Hitler's final decision to launch the genocide because of its "reality-like" character. The main section of the paper consists of a report on almost 25 years of Danish and German experiences of the effects of showing the film to young people of today for educational purposes...Paper given at the Silver Anniversary Scholars Conference on Holocaust and the Churches, Utah, March, 1995
This paper was prepared for the Silver Anniversary Annual Scholars' Conference on the Holocaust and the Churches and was the first presentation of the possibility of another date for Hitler's order to Himmler to launch the Holocaust.
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Der ewige Jude - Röntgenbild des Entscheidungsprozesses
Didaktisches Hintergrundsmaterial, das vor der Filmvorführung an die Schüler oder Veranstaltungsteilnehmer verteilt werden soll. Es enthällt eine Kurzbeschreibung und -anlyse des Filmes "Der ewige Jude"Der Führer Mythus
Das dänische Buch über den Führer-Mythos is vorläufig nur in Dänisch und hat sich in etwa 10.000 Exemplare verkauft. Verhandlungen über eine englische und eine deutsche Übersetzung laufen, aber vorläufig gibt es nur eine Kurzbeschreibung des Buches auf Deutsch sowie einige Kapiteln auf EnglischDem Produktionsteam hinter dem Ewige Jude
Eckdaten zur Genesis des Propagandafilmes "Der Ewige Jude"
Inhaltsbeschreibung im Programmheft
Der unten abgedruckte Text wurde von Mitarbeitern des Propagandaministerium verfasst und ist dadurch eine wichtige Quelle zum Wissen darüber, wie der Film "Der ewige Jude" auf die deutsche Bevölkerung wirken sollte.Quellenkritische Fragen zum NS-Propagandafilm "Der ewige Jude"
Quellenkritisches Fragebogen, das noch vor der Vorführung des Propagandafilmes "Der ewige Jude" an die Schüler bzw. Veranstaltungsteilnehmer verteilt werden soll, damit die medien- und quellenkritische Einstellung bei den Schülern und Teilnehmern gestärkt wird.Übersetzung der Buchbesprechungen in den drei grössten Tagezeitungen Dänemarks
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Dansk oversættelse af speakerteksten til "Der ewige Jude"
Dataliste vedr. produktionen af "Der ewige Jude"
Kronologisk oversigt over den process, der gik forud for "Der ewige Jude""Der ewige Jude" (1939/40)
Materiale tænkt som baggrundsmateriale til gymnasieelever og VUC-elever, før filmen vises, og giver en ultrakort introduktion til dens anvendelse i mediekritiske sammenhængeKildekritiske spørgsmål
Dette spørgeskema bliver sammen med forskelligt andet materiale udleveret til eleverne/deltagerne for en forevisning af "Der ewige Jude" for at skærpe den systematiske kildekritiske bevidsthed om, at der er tale om en propagandafilm, der benytter alle former for filmiske tricks for at overbevise sine tilskuere om, at det er den "skinbarlige virkelighed", de er vidner til.Foredrag på gymnasier
Et slags standardforedrag til brug som introduktion før en forevisning af filmen "Der ewige Jude" på danske gymnasier.Spørgeskema til brug efter forevisningen
Spørgeskema omkring filmens nutidige virkning